Solstice/Christmas Eve – Gifts of Food


Yes, you are busy beyond busy. Yes, you have much on your mind and are doing last minute shopping. But chances are you will not be hungry this winter break. Many, too many, in Kent will be.

As you plan to attend services on the Solstice and Christmas Eve, let’s remember our neighbors in need. Please bring a non-perishable food item to church on Dec. 21 or Dec. 24 so we may continue our ministry to Kent Social Services. Consider as possible donations cereal, jelly & PB, soup, crackers, mac n’ cheese mix, canned fruit/veggies/beans, pasta & sauce, tuna, canned chicken, stew & chili and rice.

As always, $10 (or more!) Acme gift cards are available for sale (in Fessenden Hall between services) & donation to KSS.

Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity; every can, every box, every donation makes a difference.

Elaine  Yehle Bowen

Hunger and Economic Justice Task Force

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