Religious Education Sunday!

Sunday, May 5, 2018

First Service 9:45 AM The Journey of Childhood  

Led by DRE Colleen Thoele and Worship Associate Mary Leeson

Each year we commemorate the end of the regular religious education year by celebrating the voices of our children.  Join us as we celebrate the joy, creativity and wonder that is childhood and rejoice in the community we have created together.

Listen to the first service with the younger students here.

Second Service 11:30 AM
Coming of AgeThey Journey has Just Begun

Led by UUCK High School Youth and  Worship associate Colleen Thoele

All year long our high school youth have been questioning and investigating their faith. Now they have completed the Coming of Age program and will present to you, their community, what they have discovered. This service will honor their journey, lift up their voices and celebrate a new stage in their lives- one with diverse meanings and endless promise. 

Listen to the second service with the older students here.

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