The Board of Trustees held their regular monthly board meeting last evening, July 27, 2022. At that meeting we revised the In-Person Health and Safety Policy, as we have done many times, in response to changes in the COVID status in Portage and surrounding counties.
Going forward, we will conduct In-person church services, starting this Sunday, July 31, regardless of the COVID status in Portage County (COVIDActNow.org).
We will require masking inside any building on the UUCK church campus, except when the COVID status is low in Portage County. A few exceptions to this requirement are noted in the Church’s In Person Health & Safety Policy.
We continue with our policy that no food or beverages can be consumed indoors when masks are required.
We are sorry for any confusion and are trying our best to keep up with the COVID changes in our community. At the end of last week when the COVID status changed quickly from low to high the Board decided to cancel in person church services per the policy that was in place at that time.
We continue to encourage social distancing when indoors and in-person. The decision to attend an in-person church service is yours to make, keeping in mind our policy to stay at home if you have tested positive for COVID or are experiencing COVID symptoms. A Zoom Sunday service option will be available for those who don’t attend in person.
The church picnic, scheduled for Sunday, August 21st at Plum Creek will be held outdoors so masks will not be required and food will be served. We tentatively plan to transition to the Sanctuary for Sunday services at the end of August. Please know we may need to revise this policy at that time.
The most recent In Person Health & Safety Policy has been posted on the church website under Members and Staff Resources, Policies and Procedures.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the Board of Trustees.