Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 11 AM in Hobbs Hall
A multi-platform service led by the KentHogwarts team.
This is a service for all ages! The UU Church of Kent invites you to spend a day at Hogwarts. After a long pause due to “You-Know-What”, KentHogwarts is back and needs your help to rekindle the magic! Adults can finally find out what happens behind those castle doors. The train leaves Platform 9 ¾ precisely at 11:00am, Sunday, October 23. Wands and robes are optional but very welcome! Wear your own or visit Madam Mendum’s Closet on your way in. For those attending remotely, please have a piece of paper in the shape of a square at the ready for your Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. And lastly, mind the staircases as they have a habit of changing when you least expect it…
Click here to view or download the Order of Service.