Podcast of the Kent Interfaith Alliance for Reconciliation and Justice Vigil – Sunday, July 10

candle-1239970_1280If you were unable to attend the Kent Interfaith Alliance for Reconciliation and Justice vigil held on Sunday, July 10 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, consider listening to the podcast below.

This vigil was an opportunity for people to come together to express their grief resulting from the terrible violence in Baton Rouge, LA, Minneapolis, MN, and Dallas, TX and to honor the lives that were lost – the black ones and the blue ones.  Several people joined together to grieve and to pray and to recommit themselves to working together for peace and equity for all people.  This vigil was an opportunity for folks to witness the connections between us.  None of us are free until all of us are free.


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Simple Idealism – June 12, 2016 at Plum Creek Park!

Church Picnic Plan to attendLed by Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer and Worship Associate Andrew Rome

In the mid 19th century, Unitarians and Universalists started and became involved in a number of intentional utopian communities.  Often these communities began simply because the founders wanted to find a way to enact their lofty ideals.  What can we learn from their efforts in our own attempts to build and sustain community?

We will have one service only today and it will begin at 9:45 at Plum Creek Park in Kent.  Please bring a lawn chair or a blanket to sit on, sun screen or insect repellent and plan to stay for the morning. The service will be followed by an old-fashioned picnic to celebrate our church’s 150th anniversary.  Please bring something to share in the  pot-luck picnic lunch.  We’ll enjoy home- made root beer and ice cream. Afterwards, we’ll have the opportunity to participate in games and activities of the 1800’s.  If you wish, you may dress in the clothing styles of the 1860’s.  If you’d like to help with this event, please contact Mary Leeson.

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Annual Meeting of the Congregation

churchbuildingBrad'sAnnual Congregational Voting Meeting

Sunday, June 5   

12:45 PM in the Sanctuary

Your attendance is important as a quorum will be required for voting matters. Need an absentee ballot?  Contact [email protected]

 The Information Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 31 at 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.

Click to Download the Annual Meeting Packet (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer) Finish Reading: Annual Meeting of the Congregation

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This is the last week of our Stewardship Campaign to support the operations during fiscal year 2017 (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2017).

This week the Stewardship Team is making calls/sending emails to those of you who haven’t made a pledge to the annual Stewardship Campaign.  PLEASE make your pledge, preferably by Friday, Sunday at the latest.  The Finance Committee needs to know how much money we will have to work with when they meet on the 21st.

You may email your pledge to the church office at [email protected] call 330-673-4247, or visit the online pledge card . The team will again have a table in the fellowship hall after each service on Sunday.  Come during social hour and try to win the trivia game for a $10 prize!

Last Sunday’s winner, Ethan Young, guessed that there have been 150 children and adults involved in this year’s RE program–the correct answer is 152.  Congratulations, Ethan!


The Stewardship Team consists of Jennifer Walton-Fisette, Theresa Walton-Fisette, Claudia Miller, Marion Yeagler and Sandy Eaglen

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UUCK Spring Circle Supper is Saturday, April 9, 2016

Circle SupperWhat is a Circle Supper?

These are informal pot luck dinners for members and friends of the UUCK.  The meal provides an ideal setting for an intimate gathering to share food and conversation. These are all about creating connections in our community – new members and long term members and visitors.

What does the host do, besides provide the space?

The host coordinates the meal with the assigned guests. This includes issuing an invitation (usually by e-mail), setting a start time and determining how to handle the pot luck, whether assigned dishes or open choice for sharing. The host decides what part of the meal to provide. Many provide the beverage and /or a main dish.

Who attends Circle Suppers?

Members, friends, people visiting or exploring the church. Circle Suppers are generally for adults, although hosts and guests may work out other arrangements.

How do I know who will be at the Circle Supper?

Sign-up sheets allow you to see the names of others who have signed up, however, when numbers allow, tables will be assigned with an eye to changing up the mix of guests. Ideally you will be sharing a meal with at least one person that you have never really talked to before.

Why is the Membership Committee coordinating Circle Suppers?

We have had some feedback from new members that it can be difficult to establish a sense of belonging, of becoming a part of our congregation. Circle Suppers are a low key and fun way for us all to get to know one another as we continue to grow and welcome new members.

How do I sign up?

Sign up now with the Sign-up Genius at: http://goo.gl/PP6Mai or you can sign-up  on the Circle Supper sign-up sheets in Fessenden Hall and at the Visitor’s Table in the Founder’s Lounge.

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Cuyahoga River Concert Series: Mustard’s Retreat – March 12, 8:00 pm

MustardOn Saturday, March 12, join us at 8 PM for an intimate and engaging evening with “Mustard’s Retreat”.

David Tamulevich and Michael Hough have been playing for over forty years and have delighted audiences in over 4,000 shows.  Musically, they are grounded in the early traditional 60s folk music, were influenced by the songwriters of that time, and their shows represent an eclectic blend of music, old and new, with a big dash of storytelling.

In their own words, “Each night is its own unique moment, unique audience. For us, that is the exciting thing, the magic: to craft a shared experience and leave people entertained and moved…and with moments and songs they will take away with them and remember, ponder, rediscover; hopefully for years to come.” Many of those moments are the result of their well-respected and broad body of original material, written both individually and together.

“We take our writing very seriously.” says Tamulevich, “No matter if it is a serious or humorous song. A song is a tool to communicate a feeling or a story, …to connect and find some common ground….and we want them to be as effective as we can make it.”

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door.

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Updating the UUCK Mission Statement

What is our missionThe Master Plan Committee is beginning work on updating the UUCK Mission Statement.

We are seeking input  from as many church members as possible.

Here are a few inspirational ideas to spark your thinking:

  • “Becoming the people the world needs.” Doug Muder
  • “Freedom in religion. Wholeness in faith.” Steve Dick
  • “Spiritual quest explores, finds many truths.” Anne Johnson
  • “The bonding of caring human fellowship.” Kathy Nielssen
  • “Finding inspiration. Living thoughtfully. Loving life.” Jane Brooks
  • “Inherent worth and dignity of everyone.” First Principle of the UUA
  • “Respecting the interdependent web of existence.” Seventh Principle of the UUA
  • “Reason, mystery, integrity, a multi-dimensional faith.” Jo Lane
  • “Love radically. Serve gratefully. Wonder daily.”  UU Planet
  • “Seeds of grace sprouting love everywhere.” Sean Neil Baron
  • “We are all each other’s gift.” Joe Cleveland
  • “Love and justice bend the arc.” Cynthia Landrum
  • “Inspiring lives of meaning and purpose” adapted from our current mission statement
  • “Encourage curiosity, create peace and justice” adapted from our current mission statement
  • “Reverence, gratitude and care for Earth” adapted from our current mission statement

Please submit your response by March 31.  Complete the form below or click on the link to provide your response to the following question:

[iframe_loader width=’100%’ height=’900′ src=’https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1igsdYcqRM8kSi5Pcf732Sj_Xit0xzAHp-pdhtSGefgA/viewform?embedded=true’]

Or click here:  http://goo.gl/forms/CQZTkNG028


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The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is Seeking a Religious Professional to Join our Staff Team

churchbuildingBrad'sWe are looking for a religious professional with experience in ministry with children and youth to join our team. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is a thriving and growing religious community. We are hoping to find someone who is excited about the opportunities we can offer and who will work well with our current staff team.

Our religious education program requires 35 hours per week of professional leadership and support. We are open to staffing with one or two people and will assign job titles, responsibilities and compensation based on the experience, credentials and preferences of our top candidate(s). We are currently accepting applications from people who are interested in a half time position or more. Please indicate the scope of responsibility and the number of hours you are interested in applying for in your cover letter.

Salary will be negotiated in accord with the 2015 UUA Salary Recommendations for Geo Index 3. We also offer a competitive benefits package. We will begin reviewing applications March 1 and will accept applications until the position is filled. Cover letters and resumes should be sent to Rev. Melissa Carvill Ziemer at [email protected]

Applicants may wish to review a recent job description, which is subject to revision by the Search Team.  The job description is posted on our website at http://kentuu.org/2016/02/04/job-description-director-religious-education/.


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Circle Suppers – February 6, 2016

CircleXSuppersHere it comes again! The UU Church of Kent Circle Supper will be on Saturday, February 6.

These are informal and unstructured social gatherings; a great opportunity to meet new members or catch up with old friends. Together we strengthen the social fabric of our community while enjoying good food and conversation. Please sign up by Wednesday, January 27 with the sign up genius or if you prefer, on paper, in Fessenden Hall. Help fill up tables and sign up now – let’s warm up these cold winter nights!

Visit the Sign-up Genius at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/904054FA9A62BA57-circle2 Please remember to indicate in the comment section how many will be attending with you, if you have accessibility concerns, or if you have any special dietary restrictions.
Feel free to call Shannon Osorio if you have questions.

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The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group

bookwormThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 9 at 7 pm in Founder’s Lounge at church. Since our January gathering was cancelled due to weather, we will be discussing a biography or autobiography of your choice. In March we will be reading another book by Anthony Doerr, the author of All the Light We Cannot See. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.

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New to UU Classes in February!

gold_chaliceCurious? Interested in learning more? Ready to take the next step?

Our “New to UU” classes cover everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but didn’t know where to go or whom to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point ~ some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  And, if you’re curious about membership, we will help to clarify what membership in UUCK entails.

Part 1 will be on Sunday, February 14, from 9-11 am. Part 2 will be on Sunday, February 21 from 9-11 am.  You may attend one or both, although attendance at both is encouraged.  Different topics will be covered in each.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller.

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Upcoming Congregational Meetings


Jan. 31 – Informational Meeting: New Building Update

In the Sanctuary between services by the Building Expansion Team

Feb. 7 – Special Congregational Meeting

In the Sanctuary after second service by the Building Expansion Team

  •  Presentation of Final Plans for new Fellowship Commons and Classroom Building
  •  Vote on proceeding with project

RSVPs for childcare are required one week prior to each meeting date.  Please contact the Church Office if you need childcare,330.673.4247 or [email protected].

 Absentee ballots are available through the Church Office.

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