Green Sanctuary Committee Logo Contest

The Green Sanctuary Committee of The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent is looking for a logo. If you are interested submissions can be sent to [email protected] electronically or can be dropped off at the church office. Submissions need to be received by 1/31. There will be a fabulous prize for each person! To spark your imagination check out this image below or check out these ideas.
Inline image 1
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Time to Submit Budget Requests for Next Fiscal Year

program budgetTO:   All Committee Chairs, Program Directors, Staff Members, and others with budgetary authority.

FROM:  Gene Wenninger, chairperson, Finance Committee

SUBJECT:  Budget submissions for next Fiscal Year. Please submit to MaryBeth, Church Administrator by paper or email by January 10.

The Finance Committee is beginning work on developing the Church budget for Fiscal Year 2016, which begins on July 1 of 2015.  We need your input as we begin this process.  As you know, while our fiscal resources have grown over the past two years, our aspirations have also grown.  We do not anticipate a significant increase in resources this next year. Hence we still find ourselves having to carefully match our resources to our vision and needs.  Please base your budget requests upon this assumption. Based upon your experience or that of your predecessor we ask for your best estimates as follows:

  1. Dollars needed to meet the basic needs of your committee, program or office.
  1. Dollars needed to add extra value to the work of, or charge to, your committee, program or office, and provide a description or explanation.
  1. You might also list whether  #2 could/should be considered for possible separate fund-raising if the opportunity arises next year.

If a figure is not submitted, the Committee will work from this year’s budget and our expenditure records.  Thanks for your cooperation with this very important request.

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Green Sanctuary Permaculture Course



The course will meet Thursday evenings, 7:30 – 9:00 PM, March 12 and 19, April 2 – May 7, 2015.

Download – Permaculture Course Flyer(Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)
Finish Reading: Green Sanctuary Permaculture Course

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Green Sanctuary Presentation & Conversation – January 25, 2015

The Green Sanctuary Committee will be presenting the results of the Energy Audit and will discuss the draft Green Sanctuary application action plan.  Come to learn about the process of the energy audit and the results, which will help us plan for the building expansion.  The GS application will recognize the excellent work already happening and will plan next steps to take the environmental work of the church one step further in the following areas: Worship & Celebration, Religious Education, Sustainable Living, and Environmental Justice. Please contact Mary Lou Holly or Andrew Rome for more information.  Join us at 12:45 pm in the Sanctuary following second service.

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How to Talk to Climate Change Deniers

Did you miss the November 15 Climate Change Workshop?   And we’re talking CLIMATE Change not changes in the WEATHER!   You missed a lot, but don’t worry!  The conversations continue on Sunday January 18th at 1pm in Fessenden Hall.  With the help of Andrea Case’s wonderful presentation, we were able to visualize the how our climate has changed over millions and millions of years…. as well as the changes in the last two centuries.Pages from ScienceofClimateChange.

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Can We Talk? – December 16, 2014

A Community Conversation between Community Leaders and the Cleveland Police

The West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church is sponsoring a community-wide conversation about race, racism and police interaction on Tuesday, December 16, from 7 – 9 p.m. with Dr. Ronnie Dunn and Mr. Joseph Worthy who will be in dialogue with two officers of the Cleveland Police Department.   We are hoping for a turn out of 200 people from both West Shore and the wider community.

Download – Can We Talk? flyer       Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)
Finish Reading: Can We Talk? – December 16, 2014

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Patricia Pownall UU Book Group – January 13, 2015

bookXXXglassesThe Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, January 13 at 7 pm in Founders Lounge at the Church.    Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading A Teaspoon of Earth and Sea by Dina Nayeri. Fascinated with America, young Saba Hafezi of 1980s Iran becomes convinced that her suddenly missing mother and twin sister have departed for America without her, a situation that compels her to envision her twin’s Western life throughout subsequent years. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.  All are welcome.

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Solstice/Christmas Eve – Gifts of Food


Yes, you are busy beyond busy. Yes, you have much on your mind and are doing last minute shopping. But chances are you will not be hungry this winter break. Many, too many, in Kent will be.

As you plan to attend services on the Solstice and Christmas Eve, let’s remember our neighbors in need. Please bring a non-perishable food item to church on Dec. 21 or Dec. 24 so we may continue our ministry to Kent Social Services. Consider as possible donations cereal, jelly & PB, soup, crackers, mac n’ cheese mix, canned fruit/veggies/beans, pasta & sauce, tuna, canned chicken, stew & chili and rice.

As always, $10 (or more!) Acme gift cards are available for sale (in Fessenden Hall between services) & donation to KSS.

Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity; every can, every box, every donation makes a difference.

Elaine  Yehle Bowen

Hunger and Economic Justice Task Force

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Caroling with the Sacred Song Circle – December 23, 2014

caroling clipartThe Sacred Song Circle folks are organizing an evening of caroling on Dec. 23 that is open to everyone whether you come to the Sacred Song Circle or not.  We will meet in Fessenden Hall at 7:00 PM for some holiday refreshments to fortify our spirits and to run thru our carols.  Then we will pile into our horse-powered sleighs (aka cars/vans) to go out and carol at a few places yet to be established.  If you would like to have the carolers come to your home, or if you know of someone who might enjoy such a visit, please let me know.  We wouldn’t turn down any ‘alms for the poor’ either if you were so moved, and those would go to the capital campaign fund.  I am also looking for folks who might bring holiday refreshments (cookies, mulled cider (wine?), hot cocoa with marshmallows) for the gathering and fellowship time before we head out.  Please contact me if you plan to come, (but that’s not mandatory), know of a place we could carol, or can bring some refreshments.

Hope to see you there.

Saunis Parsons

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Northeast Ohio Clergy Release Statement

Standing on the Side of Love logoThe ministers in the North East Ohio portion of our district have released a statement in response to what is happening with Ferguson, Cleveland and New York. The statement is attached.

Download – Clergy Statement (Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…” to save the document to your computer)
Finish Reading: Northeast Ohio Clergy Release Statement

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Prayer Pin Beads

For those who attended the multigenerational worship service on November 23rd and would appreciate a reminder of what each of the colored beads represents while saying your prayer…

beaded-pin-5Green is the gratitude bead to remind us to consider what we are thankful for.

Yellow is the sorry bead to remind us to be mindful of when we do or say things that hurt others.

Purple is the wishing bead for when we want our prayers to express the hopes we have for ourselves.

Orange is the loving bead for when we want our prayers to express the wishes we have for others and the wider world.

Karen Lapidus, Director of Religious Education

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