e-nUUs — August 10, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Congregation Re-Start

  • Re-Start Workshop: Part 2 – August 13 & 14

From Rev. Steven

  • Water Communion and Ingathering
  • Worship & Community Life News

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Join us for services – Sundays at 10 AM
  • Congregational Re-Start Workshop: Part 2 – Sunday, August 14
  • Service in the Park & Church Picnic Sunday, August 21 @ 11 AM
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Adult Religious Exploration Programming Team
  • Summer RE continues this Sunday
  • Nursery care
  • Blessing of the Backpacks

Fundraising & Income Generation

  • Seats available: Picnic on the Patio (Auction event) – September 10

Community Within

  • Newcomer Gathering – August 17
  • Fall Walden – October 5-9
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – August 15

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • August special collection – Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary
  • Community Food Needs (Kent Social Services)

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27
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Congregational Re-Start Workshop: Part II

The UUCK Ministry Executive Team requests your participation

Re-Start Workshop: Part 2
facilitated by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe

UUCK Leadership:  Saturday, August 13, 2022
Whole Congregation: Sunday, August 14, 2022

Saturday:  UUCK Leadership
Leadership as Soulful Imagining and Community Healing

Saturday, August 13th from 1:00 – 3:00 PM

The pandemic has been especially hard for the leaders in our UU communities.  Folks are burned out, church members are overwhelmed, and we really aren’t sure what is going to happen next.  So what do we do?  This program will allow you to explore the possible in your own leadership and the leadership needs of the community.  There will be some time for self and community care before we get to the question of: what’s next?  Rev. Sunshine will stay after 3:00 PM to meet with individual committees or groups who would like some support in their work (see note below).

All participants are asked to read and watch the following before this session:

Leaders, we encourage in person participation but if that is not possible for you, please join us via Zoom.

UUCK Teams and Committees, if you would like to meet with Rev. Sunshine as a team, please email Jennifer May ([email protected]) with team name. She will reply with a time slot for the team after 3:00 PM on Saturday.

Sunday:  UUCK Congregation (Members, Friends, and Newcomers)
After the Flood: A Workship for Our Times
Sunday, August 14 at 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

As we relearn how to be in community in a time of extended pandemic, the question becomes- what do we do next?  This workship (cross between a worship and workshop) will provide time to consider how we choose to be in relationship and what it means to imagine the possible.  A mixture of lament and joy built through presentation and play will allow us to do some deep and meaningful soul care for this community and ourselves.  All attendees are encouraged (but not required) to read “A Garden Story” and “Garden Story Part 2: The LAP” by Shannon Harper before the workship.  There will be a time of transition at 11am for those who need to leave.  The full workship will end at 12pm.

Update: UUCK Members and Friends who were not able to participate, this workshop was recorded. If you wish to view the session, please contact MaryBeth at [email protected] for the podcast link.

To learn more about Rev. Sunshine: 

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e-nUUs — August 3, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From the Board of Trustees

  • First Sunday Board Listening Session – August 7

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services – 10 AM both in person and via Zoom
  • Join us for services – Sundays at 10 AM
  • Deliver Us from Evil – Sunday, August 7
  • Congregational Re-Start Workshop – Sunday, August 14
  • Service in the Park – Church PIcnic – Sunday, August 21
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Adult Religious Exploration Programming Team
  • Summer RE resumes this Sunday
  • Nursery care

Income Generation

  • Seats available: Picnic on the Patio (Auction event) – September 10

Community Within

  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – August 15
  • Annex Deck Repair

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • August special collection – Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary
  • Food Needs at KSS

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry – Survey deadline is July 31!

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27
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Updated In Person Health & Safety Policy

The Board of Trustees held their regular monthly board meeting last evening, July 27, 2022.  At that meeting we revised the In-Person Health and Safety Policy, as we have done many times, in response to changes in the COVID status in Portage and surrounding counties.  

Going forward, we will conduct In-person church services, starting this Sunday, July 31, regardless of the COVID status in Portage County (COVIDActNow.org).  

We will require masking inside any building on the UUCK church campus, except when the COVID status is low in Portage County.   A few exceptions to this requirement are noted in the Church’s In Person Health & Safety Policy.

We continue with our policy that no food or beverages can be consumed indoors when masks are required.

We are sorry for any confusion and are trying our best to keep up with the COVID changes in our community.  At the end of last week when the COVID status changed quickly from low to high the Board decided to cancel in person church services per the policy that was in place at that time.

We continue to encourage social distancing when indoors and in-person.  The decision to attend an in-person church service is yours to make, keeping in mind our policy to stay at home if you have tested positive for COVID or are experiencing COVID symptoms.  A Zoom Sunday service option will be available for those who don’t attend in person.

The church picnic, scheduled for Sunday, August 21st at Plum Creek will be held outdoors so masks will not be required and food will be served.  We tentatively plan to transition to the Sanctuary for Sunday services at the end of August.  Please know we may need to revise this policy at that time.  

The most recent In Person Health & Safety Policy has been posted on the church website under Members and Staff Resources, Policies and Procedures. 

Thank you for your understanding.  If you  have any questions feel free to reach out to the Board of Trustees.

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e-nUUs — July 27, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Rev. Steven is on study leave

UUCK Campus Updates

  • Annex Deck Repair

Worship & Music

  • Sunday services offered via Zoom only due to the current COVID risk level
  • Join us for services – Sundays at 10 AM
  • To Help One Another – Sunday, July 31
  • Deliver Us from Evil – Sunday, August 7
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • Adult Religious Exploration Programming Team
  • No RE Classes this Sunday

Community Within

  • Help in Needed Saturday, August 6
  • Newcomer Potluck: CHANGE IN PLANS – July 27
  • Tie Dye Party (Auction event) reschedule – July 30
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – August 1

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Food Needs at KSS
  • July special collection: Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio
  • August special collection – Happy Trails Farm Animal Sanctuary

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry – Survey deadline is July 31!

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Purity Ball for Reproductive Rights – August 21
  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27
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e-nUUs – July 20, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Rev. Steven is on study leave

UUCK Campus Updates

  • Church Building Open
  • Annex Deck Repair

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Wisdom Sources: Tantra, Vedanta, & UU Hinduism – Sunday, July 24
  • To Help One Another – Sunday, July 31
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • RE News
  • Nursery care on Sunday mornings

Community Within

  • Tie Dye Party (Auction event) reschedule – July 30
  • Newcomer Potluck Dinner – July 27
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – August 1

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Food Needs at KSS
  • July special collection: Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry – Survey deadline is July 31!

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27
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e-nUUs — July 14, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

From Rev. Steven

  • Rev. Steven is on study leave

UUCK Campus Updates

  • Church Building Open
  • Annex Deck Repair

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Once Upon a Family: Storytelling as Spiritual Practice  – Sunday, Jul 17
  • Radical Acceptance – Sunday, July 24
  • To Help One Another – Sunday, July 31
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • RE News
  • Nursery care on Sunday mornings

Community Within

  • Newcomer Potluck Dinner – July 27
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – July 18

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • July special collection: Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27

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e-nUUs – July 6, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

From Rev. Steven

  • A Note of Thanks
  • Rev. Steven on study leave

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Emergent Community – Sunday, July 10
  • Once Upon a Family: Storytelling as Spiritual Practice  – Sunday, Jul 17
  • Radical Acceptance – Sunday, July 24
  • To Help One Another – Sunday, July 31

Lifespan Learning

  • This Sunday in RE: Magic Summer
  • Nursery care on Sunday mornings
  • Overflow the Pool for School – Last week to donate.

Community Within

  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – July 18

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • July special collection: Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity – August 27

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e-nUUs – June 29, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics include:

News from the Board of Trustees

  • First Sunday Board Listening Session – July 3

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • UUCK Game Night! – July 1
  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • We Hold These Truths – Sunday, July 3
  • Emergent Community – Sunday, July 10

Lifespan Learning

  • This Sunday in RE: Magic Summer
  • Nursery care on Sunday mornings
  • Overflow the Pool for School
  • KentHogwarts magic reignites

Community Within

  • Pastoral Care while Rev. Steven is on vacation
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping – July 4

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • July special collection: Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Environmental Clean Up Opportunity August 27
  • Summer Institute
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e-nUUs – June 16, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Junteenth: Reclaiming Identity – Sunday, June 19
  • Kenge Kenge – Sunday, June 26
  • We Hold These Truths – Sunday, July 3

Lifespan Learning

  • RE News – Summer RE starts this Sunday
  • Nursery card on Sunday monrings
  • Nursery Assistant Needed
  • Congrats to our OWL Graduates!
  • Fill the Pool for School
  • Fellowship at Soulful Home Dinner

Community Within

  • June Auction Event Seats Available!
  • Newcomer Gathering – June 22
  • Pastoral Care while Rev. Steven is on vacation
  • Where are they?
  • New Dates! Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • June special collection: Brady United Against Gun Violence

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Portage County Juneteenth Events
  • Visiting Professor needs housing July 1 – July 29
  • Summer Institute
  • Moving Sale
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e-nUUs — June 9, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Community Building & Volunteer Opportunities

  • Congregational Re-Start Workshop: Part I information and recording
  • Sunday Slide Team Members Needed
  • Join the Music Ministry
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

From the Board of Trustees

  • UPDATE:  In Person Health & Safety Policy

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Pride and Joy – Sunday, June 12
  • Junteenth: Reclaiming Identity – Sunday, June 19

Lifespan Learning

  •  RE News
  • Nursery Assistant Needed
  • Soulful Home Dinner – June 10

Community Within

  • Do you need more color in your life? – June 11
  • Meet & Greet – June 12
  • Newcomer Gathering – June 22
  • Pastoral Care while Rev. Steven is on vacation
  • Where are they?
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Gun Violence Social Justice Action Opportunity
  • June special collection: Brady United Against Gun Violence

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Moving Sale
  • Summer Institute
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e-nUUs – June 1, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topics included:

Community Building

  • Congregational Re-Start Workshop – TONIGHT 7 PM

From Rev. Steven

  • Larry Cole Celebration of Life
  • Volunteer Sign-up for Larry’s reception
  • Sewer Update
  • Rev. Steven Away

From the Board of Trustees

  • UPDATE:  In Person Health & Safety Policy
  • Board Listening this Sunday – June 5

Worship & Music

  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • Finding Beauty – Sunday, June 5
  • Pride and Joy – Sunday, June 12
  • Join the Music Ministry
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes this Sunday.
  • Nursery Care
  • Nursery Assistant Needed
  • Thank you to our RE teachers and leaders
  • Soulful Home Dinner – June 10

Income Generation

  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Events still available

Community Within

  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Gun Violence Social Justice Action Opportunity
  • June special collection: Brady United Against Gun Violence

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • Summer Institute

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Congregational Re-Start Workshop

June 1, 2020 7 PM on Zoom

The UUCK Ministry Executive Team requests your participation

Re-Start Workshop: Part 1
facilitated by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe

Wednesday, June 1, 2022
at 7:00 PM

We are in a time when the future is very uncertain, and many of us are unwilling to plan far into the future. Resilience is down, and some are feeling burned out and unsure how to reengage in congregational life.  Our community is feeling the impact of this.  We are seeing fewer volunteers to support our ministries and operational needs.  We are beginning to socialize in pockets, but not always in inclusive and welcoming ways.  And we are a bit overwhelmed with our expanded campus and all that needs to be done, and all that it has to offer. 
Recognizing our challenges in these uncertain times, the Ministerial Executive Team has enlisted the help of Rev. Sunshine Wolfe, our regional UUA support staff to help us as we restart and emerge from our homes, and forge a new path forward.   This workshop will be done in two parts.  Part 1, led by Rev. Sunshine Wolfe will be  Wednesday, June 1, at 7 pm via Zoom.  Mark your calendars and save the date for Part II, also facilitated by Rev. Sunshine on Saturday, August 13, and Sunday, August 14.Part II will be held in multi-platform, in-person and via Zoom.
Your participation is requested and you are invited to attend both, or either as you are able. 

Update (6/2/2022): For those UUCK Members and Friends that were not able to attend Part I of the Re-Start Workshop, a video recording of the meeting is available by request. Contact MaryBeth at [email protected] to request a link.

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e-nUUs – May 25, 2022

Click here to read this week’s announcements.

Topic included:

Annual Meeting

  • Annual Meeting voting results
  • Annual Meeting recording

Save the Date

  • Hobbs Hall Dedication – This Sunday! Bring a Salad

From the Board of Trustees

  • A COVID update

From Rev. Steven

  • Vespers – Thursday, May 26
  • Larry Cole Celebration of Life
  • Hobbs Hall dedication weekend

Worship & Music

  • Vespers – Thursday, May 26
  • Multi-platform services offered each week in-person and via Zoom
  • The Living, Loving Church You Are Called to Be – Sunday, May 29
  • Finding Beauty – Sunday, June 5
  • Sunday Greeters Needed

Lifespan Learning

  • No RE Classes this Sunday.

Income Generation

  • Buds in BlUUm Auction Events still available

Community Within

  • Congregational Re-start Workshops – June 1 and August 13
  • Creative Living Series: Centering, Conversing, & Coping

Social Justice and Community Outreach

  • Sunday, May 29 special collection in celebration of Hobbs Hall
  • June special collection – Brady United Against Gun Violence

UU, Interfaith, & Community Connections

  • KIFA Film and Discussion: 400 Years without a Comb – May 26
  • Historic South End Association planting in the Thomas Anderson Memorial Garden – May 28
  • Summer Institute
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