Annual Meeting: Information Meeting Thursday, May 30 7:00 PM
Voting Meeting Sunday, June 2 12:30 PM
Worship & Music
Services are held on Sunday mornings at 10:00 and 11:30.
Sunday, May 26 The Angel of the Battlefield
Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Justin Czekaj
This Memorial Day weekend we will return again to the story of Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross. Bar-ton devoted her life to tending the needs of soldiers. How are we tending the needs of soldiers and their families today and caring for veterans and their families when they finally return home?
Flower Ceremony on Sunday, June 2nd
During the RE Sunday worship services, we will hold our annual Flower Ceremony, which is a uniquely Unitarian Universalist celebration of diversity, beauty and spring. Everyone should bring a cut flower or two or three with them to church. Our flowers will be gathered in lovely bouquets to adorn our sanctuary.
Lifespan Learning
TED and Pizza is now Radiolab and Pancakes
Joel Slater has done a wonderful job bringing us the best of the “Ted Talks”, followed by discussion! Unfortunately, Joel finds that he can not continue the series. In its place will be a new series, with more or less the same format. Because I am not as familiar with the Ted Talks as is Joel, I have switched our source of interest to pod-casts from the National Public Radio series “Radiolab”.
Radiolab is a mixture of science, spirituality, philosophy, history and so much more! Radiolab takes a light touch, maintaining laugh out loud humor while exploring some of the most difficult areas of the human condition. Our first “Radiolab and Pancakes” will consider the question “Does the Universe Know my Name?” This fifteen or so minute pod-cast considers the idea of Fate from many perspectives, including those of best-selling mystery novelists and movie comedians. Please get your pancakes and bring them upstairs and eat as we listen, and there will be discussion of the theme afterwards. This promises to be a fun and fulfilling event, so please come join us in the Founder’s Lounge after second service on May 26th!
If attendance is good we will meet the month after that to consider issues of morality, especially during wartime. Future offerings depend upon the popularity of these first two sessions. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Spoehr. If you do not have access to a computer, you can reach me through the church office.
Community Within
Gratitude for Surprise Friends
Many thanks to all the children, youth, adults and members of the RE Committee who helped to make the Surprise Friends program so wonderful this year! Friends ~ this is just the beginning of what will hopefully be lasting friendships.
Are you ready to become a member of UUCK?
Sunday, June 9 is New Member Sunday. During the service, the congregation will welcome our newest members. Have you have been thinking about joining? Would you like to be a part of the service? The Membership book will be available for signing, in the foyer, the next two Sundays, May 26, and June 2. Look for Marion Yeagler after both services.
The Library committee would like to thank all those who completed the Library Survey, and urge others who have not done so to click on the Survey Monkey link. The Survey is a short one page and can be completed in less than 3 minutes. The committee would like to have all responses by Tuesday, June 11th. Thank you so much for your help.
The Patricia Pownall UU Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, June 11 at 7 pm in the home of Bonnie Harper. This month we are reading a biography of your choice. Next month we will be reading Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper. All are welcome.
A Beginners jam/jelly making class is scheduled Sat May 25th at 1:00PM in the UUCK kitchen.
The plan is to make strawberry jam and dandelion jelly. (With the cooperation of Mother Nature of course)
I can accommodate 3 more participants. (If the class fills up, don’t worry, we’ll do another soon.)
There will be a small fee of $16 to cover supplies/space rental. You will take home a jar of each jam/jelly we make.
Please message me with you name and contact information if you’d like to participate. I will reply with confirmation of your class registration.
Jennifer Gregg
We regret to announce that Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn’s brother, Paul has recently passed away. Anyone wishing to send Rev. Julie-Ann a note or card expressing your support please send to the UU Church in Cherry Hill at the following address:
Rev. Julie-Ann Silberman-Bunn
UU Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey
401 North Kings Hwy Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
Looking for some entertainment this summer? I have two tickets for The Addams Family at E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall in Akron on June 13th (Thursday). The seats are in Grand C, row L, seats 33-34. I bought the tickets a while ago and realized now that I have a schedule conflict because I will be at my college reunion that week.
I am asking $70 for BOTH tickets. If interested please contact Julie Lineburgh.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Kent Bog State Nature Preserve
Free hike to focus on Ohio’s rare bog communities
Discover an expressly unique and fading ecosystem of a northeastern Ohio bog on Saturday, May 25, from 11 am to noon at Kent Bog State Nature Preserve in Portage County, and sponsored by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Natural Areas and Preserves and the Friends of Kent Bog.
Saturday’s hike will focus on bog formation and the plant and animal communities that inhabit them. At 45 acres Kent Bog is one of the finest examples of an acidic tamarack bog in Ohio with quite possibly the largest southernmost stand of tamaracks in North America.
This approximately one-hour hike winds through a half-mile long boardwalk that is ADA accessible. Kent Bog is located on Meloy Rd. approximately 1/8 of a mile west of S.R. 43 in Kent. Parking is limited so you are encouraged to car pool.
To learn more about the hike or Kent Bog State Nature Preserve, contact Adam Wohlever at (330) 527-5118.The Friends of the Kent Bog will be available at the Bog from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm with information and light refreshments. Join us on Facebook: Friends of the Kent Bog or by E-mail at: [email protected].