Ministry is meeting the needs of others though service. Our congregation practices shared ministry. That is, we share this responsibility with our called minister. Together, we minister to one another in our congregation, in the local community, and the larger world.
Worship Services
Our services may be led by our minister, a visiting minister, or a lay member or guest of the congregation. Service topics are announced in our monthly newsletter, The Chalice Flame. Come dressed as you’re comfortable; you will find people dressed in both business casual and casual clothes. Please see our Children’s Religious Education page regarding how our children participate in services.
Sharing Joys and Sorrows
Each Sunday, folks are able to share their joys or sorrows by completing a yellow Care Card located in the pews. At each service these celebrations and/or concerns are lifted up to the congregation. If you need support from a member of our Helping Hands Network or Pastoral Associate Listening (PAL) Team, please designate this request on the yellow Care Card so either the minister or a member of our PAL Team can contact you.
Helping Hands Network
The Helping Hands Network is a practical resource to help provide for basic, temporary needs, such as making and delivering meals, transportation, and emergency childcare.
Pastoral Associate Listening (PAL) Team
The PAL Team is designed to offer support by providing a listening ministry of presence to members and friends in need.
Pastoral Care from our Minister
Our minister works closely with our lay pastoral care leaders because she believes that ministry is something we do together. Along with them she also provides pastoral care to the congregation.