Weekly e-nUUs, May 9, 2012

Sunday, May 13  Creations of Curiosity: Arts Sunday

Led by: The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale – Curiosity has been heralded as a virtue. Curiosity is the desire to learn or know something; it is the impetus that lies behind so much of our exploration and discovery. This morning we will explore the connections between curiosity, imagination and creation.


Special Collection for May:  Portage Park District

The Portage Park District strives to be known throughout Portage County and Northeast Ohio as a leader in conservation of natural resources and a major contributor to local communities’ quality of life. They work hard towards being a well-respected partner to local communities in promoting and developing new parks and trails and providing recreation and education programs for all citizens.  The District cannot function with Portage County funds alone, and must rely on public and private donations and grants.  Our Hogwarts children have had great learning experiences thanks to the district personnel as these folks have taken the kids for night walks through the “Forbidden Forest” (Towners Woods).   All of your kind donations will go to the Portage Park District Foundation.


RE Schedule for the Next Several Weeks

We are doing something a bit different this year to transition from our regular schedule to summer.  It’s a bit complicated, so please read carefully!

  • May 13 Regular RE classes at 11:15   This will offer the children and teachers a chance to formally conclude the regular church year, to review what was learned and to say good-bye.
  • May 20 and 27  Social Justice Intersession at 11:15   (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services) We will be offering 2 weeks of lessons about immigration justice.  Classes will be for younger children (grade K through 3) and for older children (grade 4 through 8).  Childcare will be offered for 3- and 4-year-olds.   Our nursery care will be offered as usual during both worship services and our multi-age program will happen during the 9:30 service.
  • June 3  Coming of Age Multigenerational Worship at both services  Our CoA youth will be presenting their faith statements during the worship services.  It is going to be wonderful!  Children in grades 1 and older are welcome to attend with their families. We will offer a Spirit Play session at 11:15 and nursery care at both services.  (No multi-age program at 9:30)
  • June 10   Church Picnic and Multigenerational Worship at 10:30 in Plum Creek Park  No nursery care or RE classes.  More details forthcoming…
  • June 17   Summer RE Begins  (No “Time for All Ages” during the worship services.)  Our theme for this summer, is “Stories that Inspire”.    During the months of June and August, we will be offering an all-ages, story-based program at 11:15 in Fesenden Hall.  During the month of July, we will be holding only one service at 10:30 and will offer RE at that time.  Nursery care will be available during all of the worship services.


With Heartfelt Gratitude…

Thank you, dear folks of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent, for your outpouring of best wishes and congratulations to honor my 25 years in professional religious education leadership as well as for the generous gift.  I will always treasure the scrapbook that Mary Leeson created which includes your messages, photographs and drawings.  I am blessed to be serving such a loving community.

In faith and with love,

Karen Lapidus


The Tupperware Fundraiser got off to a GREAT start on Sunday thanks to your overwhelming support.  We have already raised OVER $200 for the church!  AND we did this in ONE day!  Think what we can all do over the next week!

This is where we can use your help to make this event even more successful.  Please show the catalogs you took home to anyone you see this week.  We are asking each of you to try to obtain 4 outside orders.  Also, send the church’s website link to everyone you know.  Tell them to click on the scrolling banner when they see Tupperware and it will have the link to go to our party so they can order online!

Also, the church as created a Wish List of Tupperware items for our kitchen!! If you don’t have a need for Tupperware yourself but would like to help out you can do so by purchasing one, or more, of the items listed below and donating them to the church!  It’s a win-win!

UUCK Wish List

Qty:  1 – Freezer Mates Starter Set  $29.00

Qty:  2 – Label Dispenser Kit   $15.00

Qty:  1 – Pack-n-Stor square set   $39.50

Qty:  2 – Fridge Smart Medium   $19.00

Qty:  1 – Fridge Smart Medium Long   $21.00

If you didn’t get a catalog I left a few at the Annex with MaryBeth.  Please feel free to grab one or go online to view the current catalog and place your order.

Remember, bring your orders back to the church NEXT Sunday May 13th and give them to Meg Milko.  If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call!

Thank you again,

Meg Milko


Middle School Youth Pool Party!

Just a reminder…the registrations, permissions slips and fees are due Sunday, May 13th


New UU Class on Sunday, May 20
Everything you wanted to know about the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent in particular and Unitarian Universalism in general, but were afraid to ask.  Well, maybe not everything, but we try to give you an overview, a starting point.  Some history of both, some organizational details. Come join the conversation.  If you’re curious about membership, this is the place to be.  Sunday, May 20th from 9-11 am.  We will gather at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.  If you have any questions, contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Packets will be emailed Friday, May 11

Information Meeting: Thursday, May 31, 2012 @ 7 PM

Voting Meeting: Sunday, June 3, 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Please note: Only active members who have signed the membership book, at least 4 weeks prior to the annual meeting are eligible to vote on June 3, 2012.


For those who may be interested, here is a link to the latest newsletter of Interweave Continental:    http://interweaveuu.org/


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Weekly e-nUUs, May 2, 2012

May Spiritual Cinema: A Man From Earth

May 4, 2012 at 7:00 PM

A detailed description and location information can be found at:  kentuu.org


Sunday, May 6  “Nurturing Curiosity”  Religious Education Sunday

RE Sunday is the time when our children share what they have experienced throughout the year with the congregation.

During the 9:30 service, there will be a bridging ceremony to mark major milestones for many of our children and youth.   Our graduation high school seniors, Maia O’Meara and Rowen Matney, will be sharing reflections of their future and the role our church has played in their lives.  The middle school youth will be bridging next year’s six-graders~Helena Esparza, Margee Haines, Kai Klempp, Kate Kuemerle, Marlo Schatz and Vonn Wheatley~~into their community.

The 11:15 service will include presentations from each of the classes as well as a ceremony of appreciation for our teachers. Each class has prepared a lovely offering which will give a glimpse into their Sunday morning activities.  Special music will be provided by Willow Campbell, Jonathan Kiernan, Shirley Kiernan and Bob Erdman.  Join us for what will surely be a lively, fun-filled worship experience.


The Social Justice Committee holds its monthly meeting Sunday, May 6, right after second service in Eldredge Annex.  All are welcome.


Hi!  You may have heard, the church is hosting a Tupperware Fundraiser this Sunday, May 6th at 12:30pm in Fessenden Hall.  All are welcome.  If you are unable to attend but are still interested in supporting this fundraiser, check out the announcement on the Church’s website: kentuu.org  for information on how to shop online.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 pm

Detailed information can be found in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.



“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”.  ~ John Muir

The time is almost here to start packing your camping gear for a weekend adventure in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest with fellow UUs and friends on May 11-13.  More information can be found in Fessenden Hall.  Questions?  Contact Ed Stolish.


Wondering what the new CUUPS group is up to? Join us on May 11 at 630PM for a potluck dinner and CUUPS meeting held in Fessenden Hall.   More information is available in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.


Wand Walk at Towners Woods in Ravenna on May 12th. Meet in the park parking lot at 12 noon for a hike and search for your perfect wand. At 2 PM we will meet back at Fessenden Hall to make your wand all your own!  More information is available in the Sunday Thread from the Web inserted in the Order of Service.


Middle School Youth Pool Party!

Swimming! Volleyball! Food!

When: Saturday, May 19 from Noon – 2:30pm

Where: Kent State Student Recreation and Wellness Center

1550 Ted Boyd Drive, Kent, OH

$10 includes admission, lunch and snacks (Scholarships available)

Registration/Permission/Fees due Sunday, May 13


Want an easy way to support the church?  Use Good Search.com as your search engine.  It is powered through Yahoo and the site donates about a penny for each search.  Simply go to www.GoodSearch.com  and choose the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent as your charity to support.  While on the site check out www.GoodShop.com   Major retailer will donate a percentage of your purchase to the church!


Dining for Charity – Have you tried GoodDining? New GoodDining members earn an additional $5 bonus donation when they join and dine in May during National Dine Out for Charity Month. GoodDining members earn up to 6% of their bill as a donation for their favorite cause at over 10,000 participating restaurants nationwide. Sign up here: http://www.goodsearch.com/gooddining.aspx?charityid=812755


Help us raise monies for the Church by recycling your unwanted paper!  Deposit your newspapers, magazines, office and school papers in the green and yellow bin behind the Annex.  We earn money for every pound of paper we collect.  Note: No cardboard, please.


From the Llibrary…

The Library is in dire need of a 2-3yr old laptop in good working condition with Windows 7 and at least 1 USB port. Please speak to any Library committee member if you have one you could donate to facilitate the cataloging of our rapidly expanding collection. Committee members are Martha Kluth, Carolyn Schlemmer, Kathy Wilen, Matt Cox, Andrew Bores and Ann Waters.



Thanks to everyone who helped with our plantings on Earth Day, as part of our Green Sanctuary Program.  In spite of the low temperatures, quite a few brave adults and young folks came out and planted sunflowers, snap peas and pansies in the graveled area behind the rear entrance to Fessenden.  It really does brighten up the area, and when our sunflowers and snap peas appear, it will be even better.  Thanks again for all your help!


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Weekly e-nUUs, April 18, 2012

Hydraulic Fracturing: What Every Citizen Needs to Know!

The League of Women Voters of the Akron Area invites you to look at both sides of the issue.  Thursday, April 19th, 5:30 pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron.  Issues to be discussed:

  • The Fracking Process and the Role of ODNR presented by, ODNR
  • The Fracking Boom and the Need for Energy presented by, Mike Chadsey of Energy in Depth Ohio
  • Fracking and Impacts on Health presented by Dr. Ted Voneida, retired professor of neuro-anatomy at NEOMED
  • Fracking and Our Future: Environmental Concerns presented by Cheryl Johncox, Buckeye Forest Council

This event is co-sponsored by the Green Team and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church.  Refreshments will be served.


“Harvest Your Power: Learning your Leadership Potential” Workshop for April 21

Mark your calendar and save the date!  The Leadership Development Team is hosting a leadership workshop and we want you there!  Leadership development is very important at UUCK and our hope is to grow great leaders through on site training.  In this workshop, we will explore various themes related to leadership, including what it takes to be in leadership and how to better your skills if you already are in a leadership role.  We will provide coffee, tea, and juice, and a light snack.  There is no charge for the workshop.  The workshop will be held in the Annex on April 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Please plan to attend and bring a friend!  RSVP to Lori McGee by 4/18.


Sunday, April 22, 2012     The Planet Our Children Will Inherit

Led by the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate MaryLou Holly – Justice needs us to take a long view. Our children and our children’s’ children and their children and theirs will be the inheritors of this planet. What must we do, who must we be to be good stewards of the earth? Today is Earth Day.  Come hear stories, come sing praises, come pledge your hearts again to this planet we share.


Art Retrospective featuring the works of Beth Sholtis, Sunday, April 22, 2012  1:00 pm

Guests are invited to come enjoy refreshments in the Founders Lounge and to view some of Beth’s art which will be on display in the Sanctuary.  At 1:30 pm Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will lead an informal memorial in honor and celebration of Beth’s life.  Guests will have an opportunity to share spoken memories during the memorial.



This Sunday, April 22’s Special Collection is for Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) Justice Sunday. The theme is “Justice Is the Human Right to Water”.   Please make out your checks directly to UUSC.


Earthday Gardening Project

On Earthday, Sunday, April 22, The Green Sanctuary Committee is planning to brighten up the gravel-covered area behind the church. The activity will take place right after the second service.  Please come to help and bring your trowels and shovels.  We also need adult volunteers to make some necessary preparations during coffee hour and the second service.



We are looking for bakers to donate treats for a bake sale to be held in conjunction with the April 28th book sale.  Contact Sandy Bowers if you are able to bake.


The Big, Bad Book Sale is Ba-aaack!

Hello, fellow bibliophiles . . . time to clear out your bookshelves, the stacks next-to your favorite chair and from under your bed. The book sale is coming . . . Saturday, April 28 from 9am to 2pm with sorting Wednesday, 4/25 and set-up Friday, 4/27 from 6p to 9p.  We need:

  • donated books to sell – bring them to church beginning Sunday, 4/22 (Earth Day)
  • volunteers for sorting, set-up and sales
  • customers! Please invite your friends and neighbors ~ we can use all the free advertisement we can get!

To volunteer, please contact Elaine Bowen at eybowen@ yahoo.com – sorters, set-uppers and sellers are

permitted pre-sales

NOTE: please refrain from donating old encyclopedias, texts, Readers’ Digest Condensed books or anything really musty/moldy – if you wouldn’t buy it, we can’t sell it!

Thanks – Elaine Bowen.



Ted Voneida will appear right here in the church, as President Harry Truman. in the play “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” on Saturday, April 28th, at 7 p.m.  After intermission (with Swanny’s cheescake), his special guest, Julia Child will present some of her very own special recipes, and as a grand finale’, several well-known UU Thesbians will present some readings from James Thurber.  All in all, it should be a wonderful evening of theatre, and  the ridiculously low ticket price of $12 will all go toward boosting our church budget.  It’s a win-win situation, and we hope to see many of you there.


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due April 30th.  Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected].  Thank you. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 13th.



The Worship and Theology Survey results are in and it appears that the opinions of the men in our congregation are seriously underrepresented.  The Sunday Program Committee has decided to extend the deadline for taking the survey until Sunday, April 22nd.  If you haven’t already taken the survey, please do so now:


Women’s input is also welcome, of course!  You will be able to take the survey at the survey station again during coffee hour, and paper copies will be available for those not wishing to take it on-line.

Questions?  Contact Lois Weir.  THANKS!


May Spiritual Cinema: The Man From Earth

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, May 4 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the independent motion picture, “Jerome Bixby’s The Man From Earth” (2007). Check out the website: kentuu.org for a more detailed description.


Religious Education Sunday will be celebrated on May 6th.

RE Sunday is the time when our children share what they have experienced throughout the year with the congregation.  During the 9:30 service, there will be a bridging ceremony to mark major development milestones for many of our children and youth.  The 11:15 service will include presentations from each of the classes as well as a ceremony of appreciation for our teachers. Join us for what will surely be a lively, fun-filled worship experience.  It is important that the children attend their RE classes from now until May 6th so that they are well-prepared to participate fully in the worship service.  


SAVE THE DATE!     May 6th @ 12:30pm   The church is having a Tupperware party and YOU are invited!

More details are available on the church’s website:  kentuu.org    Stay tuned for updates!  If you have any questions now, please feel free to contact me.

Meg Milko


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, May 8 at 7 pm in the home of Chris Hurlbut..  This month we will be reading The Devil in the White City : Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larsen. Larson intertwines the true tale of the 1893 World’s Fair and the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death. Combining meticulous research with nail-biting storytelling, the author has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newly discovered history and the thrills of the best fiction.  In June we will be reading Swamplandia by Karen Russell and in July we will read Unsaid by Neil Abramson. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Wondering what the new CUUPS group is up to? Join us on May 11 at 630PM for a potluck dinner and CUUPS meeting for a discussion on upcoming events, our mission statement, and much more. Workshop on Paganism at 8PM. Learn about Paganism and if it is for you. This is a family friendly event! Bring a dish to share and enjoy the evening with the forming CUUPS group. For more info call KC Pallone or Deb Biggins.


Wand Walk at Towners Woods in Ravenna on May 12th. Meet in the Towner’s Woods parking lot at 12 noon for a hike and search for your perfect wand.  At 2 PM we will meet at the Church to make a wand all your own! There will be feathers, jewels, crystals, and other items you can add to your wand for Hogwarts school or your personal use. You do not have to be at the hike to attend the wand making workshop;  you may bring a stick or wand from home if you wish.  All materials are free except quartz points; they are $2 each.



“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”.   ~ John Muir

Concerned about where you fit into the scheme of things?  Maybe you don’t but could just use a break anyhow.  Whatever the reason, start packing your camping gear for a weekend adventure in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest with fellow UUs and friends on  May 11-13.  Look for more detailed  information posted in Fessenden Hall.

Ed Stolish


Middle School Youth Pool Party!

Swimming!  Volleyball!  Food!

When:  Saturday, May 19 from Noon – 2:30pm

Where:  Kent State Student Recreation and Wellness Center

1550 Ted Boyd Drive, Kent, OH

$10 includes admission, lunch and snacks (Scholarships available)

Registration/Permission/Fees due Sunday, May 13

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Weekly e-nUUs, April 11, 2012

Congregational Information Update this Sunday April 15 Between the first and second services this Sunday the Board of Trustees will offer an update to the congregation on the progress we have made related to our on-site expansion exploration and our plans for a capital campaign.  We have lots of good news to share!

Please be aware, however, that due to the sensitive nature of some of our plans and the limited time between services, this will be a preliminary report designed to keep the congregation appraised of the big picture as it stands at this point.  We expect an additional report with many more details will be delivered at our annual congregational information meeting on May 31, 2012.


Sunday, April 15, 2012     Whole-Hearted Living

Led by Deb Chaney and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen –  How do we cultivate the courage, compassion, and connection that we need to engage in our lives from a place of authenticity and worthiness?  Deb Chaney is the , Commissioned Lay Leader of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Canton.  While Deb is leading our services, our minister the Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will be leading worship in Canton.  We are pleased to make this exchange and we hope you will enjoy the experience.


SOCIAL JUSTICE DISCUSSION REMINDER – Join us Sunday mornings at 11:15 in Fessenden Hall for a discussion session focusing ona variety of Social Justice topics.  Please check out the website for a more detailed description – All are welcome!  kentuu.org


Hydraulic Fracturing: What Every Citizen Needs to Know!

The League of Women Voters of the Akron Area invites you to look at both sides of the issue.  Thursday, April 19th, 5:30 pm at Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron.  Issues to be discussed:

  • The Fracking Process and the Role of ODNR presented by, ODNR
  • The Fracking Boom and the Need for Energy presented by, Mike Chadsey of Energy in Depth Ohio
  • Fracking and Impacts on Health presented by Dr. Ted Voneida, retired professor of neuro-anatomy at NEOMED
  • Fracking and Our Future: Environmental Concerns presented by Cheryl Johncox, Buckeye Forest Council

This event is co-sponsored by the Green Team and the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church.  Refreshments will be served.


What are your thoughts about UUCK worship?  Who are we theologically?  Take the survey today!


The deadline for completing the survey is April 15, 2012


Art Reception for April 15th Cancelled

Please join us on April 22nd for the Beth Sholtis art retrospective at 1:00 pm.


“Harvest Your Power: Learning your Leadership Potential” Workshop  – April 21

Leadership development is very important at UUCK and our hope is to grow great leaders through on site training.  In this workshop, we will explore various themes related to leadership, including what it takes to be in leadership and how to better your skills if you already are in a leadership role.  The workshop will be held in the Annex on April 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  RSVP to [email protected] 4/18.



The April Special Collection on Sunday, April 22nd is for Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) Justice Sunday. The theme is “Justice Is the Human Right to Water.”  Please see the Sunday Thread for more information.


Earthday Gardening Project

On Earthday, Sunday, April 22, The Green Sanctuary Committee is planning to brighten up the gravel-covered area behind the church. We must leave the gravel, as it protects the edge of the pavement behind the church.  Children with their parents and others of all ages are invited to help put some plantings in this, our traditional gathering area.  With the goal of bringing back flowers and greenery, we will plant sugar snap peas in the ground and pansies in pots.  Later we will add other flowers and plants.  The activity will take place right after the second service.  Please come to help and bring your trowels and shovels.  We also need adult volunteers to make some necessary preparations during coffee hour and the second service.  For any questions or suggestions please contact Swanny or TedVoneida, Patty Miller, Angela Barzizza-Young, or Larry Cole.



That on Saturday, April 28th, at 7 p.m., there will be a performance of “Give ‘Em  Hell, Harry”, with Ted Voneida as Harry Truman.  After intermission, there will be a few James Thurber skits, and as a grand finale, special guest Julia Childs will make an appearance to cook up a few ‘bon appetits’.  Some of you purchased auction tickets; for others, there will be tickets at the door.  Cheap – a heck of a deal.  Come, have fun while supporting our church.


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due April 30th.  Please submit or email reports to MaryBeth at [email protected].  Thank you. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 13th.


May Spiritual Cinema:  The Man From Earth

Please join us for Spiritual Cinema on Friday, May 4 at 7:00 PM. We will watch the independent motion picture, “Jerome Bixby’s The Man From Earth” (2007). The movie is 89 minutes and will be followed by a short discussion of some of the topics raised by the movie. Dan Flippo has volunteered to screen the movie in his home and has room for at least 14 people. Please click his address for a map or directions: 2650 Easthaven Drive, Hudson, OH 44236

Producer’s Description:   What would you think if you found out that someone you knew had been around since the dawn of man? What questions would you ask and what mysteries could they unmask? Join seven skeptical scholars on a riveting journey as they uncover the history of man through one of their close friends, who reveals he was born 14 millennia prior.




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Social Justice Discussion Reminder, Sundays @ 11:15 AM

How do we as  individuals, churches,  and communities deal with issues of common justice, compassion, and the common good?   Join us in the Fair Trade coffee corner of Fessenden Hall during second service for an informal exploration of both substance and process of those ideas. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and other issues of justice and compassion. These discussions help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

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Weekly e-nUUs, April 4, 2012


Kent Community Sing-a-long Tonight!

Join us this evening, April 4th at 7 pm in the Fessenden Hall for our community sing!


Spiritual Cinema Cancelled

Due to an unforeseen event, Spiritual Cinema has been cancelled for this evening.

The Five Below fundraiser begins tomorrow, April 5, and runs through Saturday, April 7 at the Stow store located at 4332 Kent Road.  All the items in the store are $5 or less!  It is a great opportunity to purchase spring items and Easter goodies!  10% of your purchase is donated to the church with the necessary flyer.  Click here to print the necessary flyer.


Stewardship Campaign Update

As of Monday, the total pledged for the 2013 stewardship campaign was over $195,000!  Thank you to each and every one of you who has responded so generously to our invitation to help support the mission of our congregation.  We are very pleased with the response we have heard so far and we are encouraged that we might come close to our goal of $220,000.

We still have not heard the intentions of approximately 20 people/couples who pledged last year.  We are working on reaching out to those individuals.  If you have been considering renewing your pledge or making a new pledge, we want you to know that It’s not too late to help us reach our goal of continuing to provide and improve our programs and ministries.  We can still count your pledge in our finalized budget if we hear from you in the next week or so.  Pledges can be emailed or called in to the church office, or contact Marion Yeagler or Sandy Eaglen.


Sunday, April 8, 2012     In His Eyes

Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer, Director of Religious  Education Karen Lapidus along with  Worship Associate Max Grubb –  Jesus was radically egalitarian. In his eyes all people were equal. Equality is a hallmark of justice. We will celebrate human equality and dignity in our special Easter services this morning. Our earlier service will be crafted with adults in mind, our later service will be created for children (first graders and up) and adults together. The choir will sing, we will celebrate and our annual egg hunt will be held immediately following our second service.


Egg Hunt for All Children Easter Morning

It has been a long-standing tradition of our church for the Middle School youth to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the younger children on Easter morning.

Here is what all parents need to know:

  • Immediately following the 11:15 worship service, all children grade 5 and younger should gather in the front of the sanctuary to decorate bags for collecting the eggs.  (In the meantime, the Middle School youth will hide the eggs outside…)
  • Parents and guardians are encouraged to assist their children as they travel outside.
  • While outside, please supervise your child to assure their safety!  The Middle School youth and a team of adults will be outside with the children, but we still need the watchful eyes of our parents.
  • The youngest children will hunt for eggs in the backyard of the Annex and the older children will hunt around the periphery of the church.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 7 pm in the home of  Kathie Slater.  Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. Marion and Shiva Stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a beautiful Indian nun and a brash British surgeon. Orphaned by their mother’s death and their father’s disappearance, bound together by a preternatural connection and a shared fascination with medicine, the twins come of age as Ethiopia hovers on the brink of revolution. Moving from Addis Ababa to New York City and back again, Cutting for Stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miracles–and two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Come Celebrate Passover!

The living tradition of Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources. This spring we will honor the Jewish tradition of Passover celebrating freedom and liberation.  Everyone in the congregation is invited to attend our family friendly Passover Seder on Friday, April 13 from 6:15 to 8:15 pm in Fessenden Hall.  During the Seder you will get to hear the ancient story of the Jewish people in the land of Egypt and to enjoy the special rituals and foods that are associated with this holiday.

Many of those foods require advance purchase and preparation.  In order to make sure that we have enough for everyone we need to know whether you plan to attend by Sunday, April 8.  There is a sign up sheet in Fessenden Hall along with a choice of roles you can play to help make our Seder a success.  If you have questions or need more information please speak to our Director of Religious Education Karen Lapidus or our minister Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer.


Come Help Make Room for our NEW Tables and Chairs!  April 14th   9 am – 12 pm

Thanks to the generous memorial gifts received in honor of Gordon Vars and Robert Wood, we have the resources needed to replace our old tables and chairs.  In order to make room for our new ones, we need a community work day.  In addition, to preserve the integrity of our new shed, we are ordering patio block to create a level foundation.  We’ll need helpers to move the shed, level the ground and lay the block as well as reposition the shed.  We’ll appreciate all the help we can get with both of these tasks as “many hands make light work.”  Please let us know if you are able to assist.  [email protected]


What are your thoughts about UUCK worship?  Who are we theologically? 

Take the survey today!

Members of the Sunday Program Committee and Reverend Melissa Carvill-Ziemer would like your evaluation of our Sunday worship. We have prepared a short survey enabling members and friends to provide feedback on various aspects

of worship as well as providing us with the some information about the theological make-up of the congregation. The results of the survey will be shared with the congregation in a worship service on May 20.  It should only take about

8 minutes to complete on-line. The deadline for completing the survey is April 15, 2012. The following link will take you to the survey.


Lois Weir will bring a laptop computer to church on Sunday April 8 and 15 for individuals without internet access. Hard copies are available on the table outside of the sanctuary.  If possible, we appreciate completion of the survey online

as the survey site will tabulate the data for us. Contact Lois Weir, Christie Anderson or Rev. Carvill-Ziemer if you have questions.


Art in the Sanctuary

There will be a short “Spring Mood” art exhibit Apr. 1-15 with works by John Kluth with a reception from 12:30 to 2:00 on Apr. 15.  The art retrospective reception for Beth Sholtis will be Apr. 22 from 1-3 pn with that exhibit continuing through Apr. 29.  In May the exhibit will be provided by the RE department.


“Harvest Your Power: Learning your Leadership Potential” Workshop for April 21

Mark your calendar and save the date!  The Leadership Development Team is hosting a leadership workshop and we want you there!  Leadership development is very important at UUCK and our hope is to grow great leaders through on site training.  In this workshop, we will explore various themes related to leadership, including what it takes to be in leadership and how to better your skills if you already are in a leadership role.  We will provide coffee, tea, and juice, and a light snack.  There is no charge for the workshop.  The workshop will be held in the Annex on April 21st from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.  Please plan to attend and bring a friend!  RSVP to Lori McGee by 4/18.



The April Special Collection on Sunday, April 22nd is for Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) Justice Sunday. The theme is “Justice Is the Human Right to Water”, which focuses on how UUSC upholds the inherent worth and dignity of every person through specifically protecting the human right to water. All people have a right to safe, sufficient, affordable, accessible water for daily human needs. In the United States and internationally, UUSC and their partners are working to defend this right. We are doing this also in support of our Middle School youth. The Middle School students learn about social justice through the curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justice-Maker”.

Through discussions on the interdependence of environmental factors, they made the decision to raise awareness for the human right to safe, sufficient and affordable water. The class is partnering with the UUSC in the “Got Water?” campaign. The goal is to promote international, national, statewide, and local laws for clean waters where they do not exist. Students are making items out of duct tape. Wallets, purses and funky folders will be sold at the church and possibly at the Kent Farmer’s Market to fund this project.  Please make out your checks directly to UUSC.


Annual Meeting dates have been set!

Discussion Session: Thursday, May 31, 2012   7:00 pm in the Sanctuary

Voting Session: Sunday, June 3, 2012    10:30 am in the Sanctuary


Attention All Leaders and Committee Chairs

All Annual Reports to be included in the Annual Meeting packet are due April 30th.  Please submit or email reports to [email protected].  Thank you. Annual Meeting packets will be available to the congregation on May 13th.




“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe”.   ~ John Muir

Concerned about where you fit into the scheme of things?  Maybe you don’t but could just use a break anyhow.  Whatever the reason, start packing your camping gear for a weekend adventure in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest with fellow UUs and friends on  May 11-13.

We will be camping at the Willow Bay Recreation Area, situated on the eastern side of the Allegheny Reservoir, two miles south of the New York State line.  Each campsite contains a picnic table, fire ring and tent pad.  Facilities include vault and flush toilets, drinking water and -get this- hot water showers!  Those who have endured the mud, blood and sweat of previous campouts will appreciate this.  Four-person cabins with electric are also available for rental.

Choice of activities is personal and there are no schedules.  If you wish to share your experiences around the evening bonfire, you are welcome to do so.  Some activities to consider include hiking the North Country Trail (serious hikers only) and/or any of the 33 miles of interconnecting loops in the Tracy Ridge Recreation Area (remember Walden ’04).

Canoe or kayak the reservoir.  Bring your own craft or rent.

Visit the historic Kinzua Viaduct formerly promoted as  the “Eighth Wonder Of The World”.  Once the tallest railroad bridge in existence, it was devastated by a tornado nine years ago.  Hike the walkway that extends over the gorge.

Tour the Seneca-Iroquois Museum in nearby Salamanca, N.Y.  Learn their version of history.

Go birding.  This is the peak migration time for song birds.  Watch for waterfowl and raptors.

If you love the outdoors (as I do) you will find that memories of these campouts stay with you over the years.  Memories of fellowship, music, great food and the smell of woodsmoke combine for a meaningful  and sustaining experience.

I will post more information in Fessenden on April 15.    Ed Stolish


A Thank You Note to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Thank you for joining the Kent Area Chamber of Commerce – you are one of 32 new members in 2012!  We look forward to seeing you at a future KACC event.


The Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron (UUCA) is eagerly anticipating our 3rd Annual Green Festival culminating with our 7th Annual Green Faire on Sunday, April 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and we hope you will share this news with our community!  This Green Festival and Green Faire are unique to our congregation, and the UUCA members who coordinate these events work hard each year to reflect UUCA’s social and ecological values by providing a wide variety of exhibits, vendors and activities for all ages.

Highlights of this year’s Green Festival include:

  • Creation of UUCA Community Garden
  • Menu for the Future class
  • Many Sides of Fracking discussion
  • The Green Man: The Face Within the Leaves worship service on Friday, April 20
  • 7th Annual Green Faire on Sunday, April 22


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This Particular Call, March 18, 2012

Led by Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper
Every year our association of congregations has a General Assembly in June. This year our gathering will not be business as usual. This year we will have a Justice General Assembly with a very particular call. Whether you think you might have any interest in attending or not, I hope you will join us to consider the call our association is being invited to respond to in Phoenix and all across our country. David Petras of the Phoenix Witness Project will be with us to receive our special collection which will be used to help fund scholarships to Justice GA.

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Weekly e-nUUs, March 14, 2012

Debut Performance this Friday, Mar. 16 th at 8:00 pm 

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent    228 Gougler Ave   Kent, OH 44240 

You, You and Me will open for Claudia Schmidt as part of the  the Cuyahoga River Concert Series!   If you haven’t been to a Cuyahoga River Concert yet, this is one not to miss. In a warm, intimate, acoustically ideal setting, this trio will soothe your soul with sweet harmony.

The headliner for the evening is Claudia Schmidt, a nationally known jazz/folk singer from Michigan. Her concert is sure to delight!  http://www.claudiaschmidt.com/

Tickets $10 at the Door


St. Patrick’s Day Irish Dinner – There are still a few remaining tickets available!  

Dinner includes of corned beef, cabbage, colcannon, carrots, and soda bread.  Saturday, March 17 at 5:00 p.m. in Fessenden Hall.  Contact Lois Weir  or Meg Milko for tickets or more information.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert.

Come to a family friendly Concert of traditional and contemporary Irish folk music to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

Saturday, 17 March, 7 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Visit us at Facebook to hear some tunes. Tickets at the door: $7 Adults, children under 12 free. This is a fun fundraiser for the church.  Contact for information: Trish McLoughlin


A Pie for All Seasons!

Let’s gladly say farewell to the chilly winds and gray skies of winter!  If your birthday is in one of the cold months–November, December, January, February, or March–you could probably use a delicious pie to warm your heart! We want to help you out–if your birthday falls in any of these months (all ages qualify), you can get one free raffle ticket for this week’s pie drawing; additional tickets can be purchased for $1.00.

Oh, and by the way, we’ll also have pledge cards available at the  stewardship table, right next to the pies.  We’re at the midpoint of our March campaign–don’t be the last to turn in your card!

P.P.S.  We’re still looking for tempting pie recipes–please share your favorites.

Sandy Eaglen and Marion Yeagler


Sunday, March 18, 2012  This Particular Call

Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper –

Every year our association of congregations has a General Assembly in June. This year our gathering will not be business as usual. This year we will have a Justice General Assembly with a very particular call. Whether you think you might have any interest in attending or not, I hope you will join us to consider the call our association is being invited to respond to in Phoenix and all across our country. David Petras of the Phoenix Witness Project will be with us to receive our special collection which will be used to help fund scholarships to Justice GA.

Surprise Friends Returns!

March 11, 18 or 25th stop by during coffee hour to be anonymously paired up with a child from our congregation.  Children who want to participate will need to fill out a short form. Beginning April 11 and continuing through the month, notes and small gifts will be secretly exchanged every Sunday leading up to the big reveal on April 29th!


A new Five Below fundraiser is scheduled for April 5, 6,and 7 at the Stow store located at 4332 Kent Road.  All the items in the store are $5 or less!  It is a great opportunity to purchase spring items and Easter goodies!  10% of your purchase is donated to the church with the necessary flyer.  Flyer is attached to this email.

The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, April 10 at 7 pm in the home of  Kathie Slater.  Please bring a snack to share. This month we are reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. Marion and Shiva Stone are twin brothers born of a secret union between a beautiful Indian nun and a brash British surgeon. Orphaned by their mother’s death and their father’s disappearance, bound together by a preternatural connection and a shared fascination with medicine, the twins come of age as Ethiopia hovers on the brink of revolution. Moving from Addis Ababa to New York City and back again, Cutting for Stone is an unforgettable story of love and betrayal, medicine and ordinary miracles–and two brothers whose fates are forever intertwined. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.



Thank you to everyone that came to the CUUPS first meeting and full Moon ritual. It was a privilege to be in such wonderful company! The food was delicious and the energy we raised was nurturing in many ways. We have named the new group Sacred Moon Cuups and the next meeting we have KC will propose a mission statement for review. I know many people wanted to attend but could not, and I hope to see you at other gatherings.

Ostara will be celebrated on Sunday March 18 from 1-4 PM at the Jailhouse in Fred Fuller park. There will be potluck refreshments, a children’s Ostara Egg hunt, a children’s ritual, and an adult ritual!

March 24 from 2-4 PM KC will host a faery garden workshop in Fessenden Hall. Be prepared to get dirty! You will go home with a starter kit for your very own faery garden. A $3 donation is suggested to cover the materials.

If there is anything in particular about the Pagan traditions that you would like to learn more about please contact KC or Deb so we may cover these items in our workshops.

As always, feel free to contact KC Pallone or Deb Biggins for more information.



FACT(Faith Communities Together) will be holding a meeting on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on Saturday, March 24th, from 10 am-12:30 pm, at the Fairmount Presbyterian Church, 2757 Fairmount Boulevard, Cleveland Heights.  FACT was started in the Kirtland UU Church, and includes 15 churches of various denominations.  It spans eight Ohio counties and has 93 participating members who range from atheists to active members of religious congregations who are approaching environmental issues from a moral and/or spiritual perspective.

If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Ted and Swanny Voneida for car pooling arrangements.


Doctrine of Discovery and Immigration

An Adult Exploration class will be presented on the Doctrine of Discovery and Immigration starting on Tuesday April 3rd at 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm for six consecutive weeks.  All are encouraged to participate including our youth.  These two issues are front and center with our UU Association and will be the major components of our upcoming Justice General Assembly in Phoenix.

This doctrine came into being with the 1452 Papal Bull giving Portugal the right to exploit, subjugate and enslave the natives of West Africa. This was followed in 1493 with Spain getting the same “rights” over the “new” world.

Sadly, the former English Colonies of Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and USA  codified this Doctrine into law and their native populations are still being subjugated, now in the form of structural violence. An example, the Phoenix Indian School (now gone) in its early years was a “prison school”

where native children were forced to “assimilate” – that is to give up their own tribal culture for the white man’s ways.

Much of our attitude towards immigrants has arisen from this Doctrine.

These attitudes have become part of our American culture and they are now part of the engine that drives our Euro-centric superior thinking, our continued racism, and xenophobia.  We will thoroughly explore the connections here and look seriously at what we might, we must, do about this.

Please let me or MaryBeth know if you will be attending.

Mac Goekler


Children’s and Family Library Moves to Founders’ Lounge

All of the children’s books that had been housed in the Annex are now part of the library in Founders’ Lounge. We have a wide selection of folk tales from many corners of the world and from many ages in time.  The collection of  books with craft and game ideas are sure to keep children busy and happy for long stretches of time.  There are books to help families celebrate just about every holiday of the year.

We are especially blessed to have such a wide array of resources that affirm and support all kinds of families.  Many aspects of family life are addressed in our books on birth, death, adoption, illness, disability and the blending of families.

What we don’t have a lot of, however, are resources about Unitarian Universalism!  If you happen to be browsing the online UUA bookstore and happen upon a gem that you think would be a good addition to our collection, your donation will be gladly accepted!

Books can be signed out for 2 weeks.  Each book has a brightly colored card clipped inside.  Please put your name, the date and your contact information on the card and place the card in the basket on the table near the nursery door.  When you return books, please place them in the box on the table near the nursery (not on the shelves).  We are sharing the check-out and return system with the Adult Library.

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Weekly e-nUUs – March 7, 2012



Saturday, March 10th at 2:00 pm

We are expecting approximately 200 people for this service and reception and are still very much in need of volunteers to donate food.

In addition, we also are in need of the following volunteers

  • Saturday set-up  beginning at 9 am
  • Kitchen volunteers to receive and organize food for reception beginning at 12 pm; this will also include making coffee/tea and putting food out just prior to the end of the service
  • Clean-up crew volunteers following the reception

Please contact Rev. Melissa if you are able to assist with any of these tasks.  [email protected]

Also, arrangements for additional parking have been made at both Central School for the lot located behind the school and at the lot at the Physical Therapy and Pain Management offices located on the corner of Gougler Ave and Main Street.  A uniformed Kent City Police Officer will be directing traffic and assisting those crossing Mantua Street from Central School.

We are requesting that our Church members who are able to walk a short distance please use these additional parking areas leaving the spaces closest to the Church available for those visiting us.  Also, please remember that the parking spaces closest to the Annex and those behind Franklin Township Hall are reserves for handicap accessible parking.

Since we will have police assistance, we no longer are in need of parking volunteers, we thank those of you who had previously volunteered for this and are hopeful that you will consider assisting with set-up and clean-up.

Please know that we very much appreciate everyone’s cooperation and assistance!  You are what makes this church a community!  Thank you.


“What’s That?” You Say.  More Pies?!  Hooray!!

This week, in honor of Youth Sunday, each of our “junior” U.U.ers eighteen and younger–including infants and toddlers– can get a free raffle ticket for a yummy pie just by stopping at the stewardship campaign table during coffee hour.  Our “senior” U.U.ers, those of us over eighteen, can also purchase tickets for $1.00.  By the way, did you know that some of our younger congregational members already pledge on their own?  Wow!

Three lucky pie winners will be selected at 11:10; last week’s  winners–you’ll recognize them by their happy smiles– were Becky Haines’ granddaughter Margee, the Slaters, and Michelle Bores. Remember– March is our stewardship campaign month–let’s celebrate spring by pledging to support and build our wonderful church together!

Sandy Eaglen and Marion Yeagler


Sunday, March 11, 2012  What it Takes to Speak Out

Led by the Youth Group and Worship Associate, Kristian Spaude

Our Youth take over!  This service will be about how our Unitarian Universalist principles and background affect us (the youth) on our journey into adulthood. The service features music by and stories from the youth.

Join us at 9:30 and 11:15 AM.

Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour for Daylight Savings Time – you don’t want to miss what the Youth have planned.



Children’s Choir will rehearse with Becky Haines in the sanctuary from on Sunday, March 11 at 10:40 until 11:10.  Children younger than 5 must be accompanied by an adult.  This is a great time for children to join the choir!  They will sing during worship sometime this spring.


Concerned Citizens Ohio is collecting signatures of Kent residents in support of an ordinance to ban horizontal hydrofracking during coffee hour and after second service  on March 11.  Information handouts are available.


Beth Sholtis funeral  –  The family of Beth Sholtis has announced that her funeral will be held at 2 p.m., March 12th, at Guerriero Funeral Home, 1550 W. 19th St., Ashtabula, with burial to follow in Saint Joseph Cemetery.  Visitation will be from 12 noon until time of service, March 12th, at the funeral home.

We are exploring the possibility of hosting a showing of Beth’s artwork in our sanctuary later this spring.  If you have any pieces of her work that you would be willing to loan for this purpose, please contact John Kluth who will be coordinating the show.

For those that want to send condolence cards – please contact the church office for an address.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick. Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert.

Come to a family friendly Concert of traditional and contemporary Irish folk music to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

Saturday, 17 March, 7 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Visit us at Facebook to hear some tunes. Tickets at the door: $7 Adults, children under 12 free. This is a fun fundraiser for the church.  Contact for information: Trish McLoughlin


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum.  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence- they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis. They are seeking donations of duct tape as well as empty cereal boxes (to make amazingly funky folders).


We are a generous church indeed! Thanks to all of you, our March Special Collection total for the Hartville Migrant Ministry was $664.23. Thank you to the entire congregation for supporting this most worthy cause!

Peace, ~)–|

Sally Burnell, chair

Social Justice Committee


Joanne Nussbaum, a member of our church, is currently serving in the Peace Corps in Mongolia and has requested that we send seeds, preferably for food items, but also flowers. The Social Justice Committee will provide a box in the Founders Lounge for the next few weeks where you can drop seed donations that we will then send to Joanne to assist the Mongolian people. Your help in this project will be most appreciated. If you have any questions about it, please feel free to contact Sally Burnell. Thank you! ~)–|

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 29, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012  The Way Gratitude Wears

Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale –

Have you ever considered the way gratitude wears?  I mean the way you wear gratitude in your heart and mind, body and spirit; the way gratitude wears a way to generosity. This morning we will celebrate the many gifts bestowed by the practice of gratitude.


Children’s Choir will rehearse with Becky Haines this Sunday, March 4 in the sanctuary from 10:40 until 11:10.  Children younger than 5 must be accompanied by an adult.  This is a great time for children to join the choir!


Artist Reception, March 4th

Kent photographer and journalist and frequent UU visitor Debra-Lynn Hook will complement our theme for the month of March with a collection entitled “Portraits in Gratitude” in the sanctuary.  Debra-Lynn, a former newspaper reporter, honed her photography skills doing studio work and with a scattering of photojournalism classes, but mostly by watching photojournalists at work. Debra-Lynn is also a syndicated columnist, the mother of three and the wife of KSU poli sci chair and professor Dr. Steven W. Hook. Please help us show our gratitude by attending a reception in the sanctuary (until 3:30 p.m.) for Debra-Lynn immediately following the second service.


The Social Justice Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, March 4th  in the Eldredge Annex immediately following second service. We are currently working on issues like fracking and various issues of economic justice. All are invited to attend as we embark on the important work of striving to make a difference. We hope that you will consider joining us in this journey to walk our faith and put words into action. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sally Burnell, Social Justice chairman.


Concerned Citizens Ohio is collecting signatures of Kent residents in support of an ordinance to ban horizontal hydrofracking during coffee hour and after second service today, March 4 and March 11.  Information handouts are available.



Join us in Fessenden Hall during second service for informal discussions about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.  These are free-wheeling explorations of ideas about both substance and process. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and anything else.  My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

Caroline Arnold


KC Pallone will be available during the coffee hour and after 2nd service in founders lounge on March 4 to answer questions about the new CUUPS group. Please see her with any questions or comments. She will have a sign-up sheet available for those that are interested in learning more about or joining the group. You do not have to be Pagan to join the group and all are welcome. KC will be speaking at the CUUPS potluck dinner on March 9 in Fessenden Hall at 6:30 and more detailed information will be presented at that time. Following the dinner there will be a short Full Moon ritual for those that are interested in joining.  Thank you.


Beth Sholtis funeral  –  The family of Beth Sholtis has announced that her funeral will be held at 2 p.m., March 12th, at Guerriero Funeral Home, 1550 W. 19th St., Ashtabula, with burial to follow in Saint Joseph Cemetery.  Visitation will be from 12 noon until time of service, March 12th, at the funeral home.

We are exploring the possibility of hosting a showing of Beth’s artwork in our sanctuary later this spring.  If you have any pieces of her work that you would be willing to loan for this purpose, please contact John Kluth who will be coordinating the show.

For those that want to send condolence cards, please contact the church office.


Many people have asked how they can best help in the planning of Gordon Vars’ memorial service.

The service is on Saturday March 10, 2012 at 2:00pm with a reception to follow. We are expecting somewhere around 200 people to be attendance.

We are asking people to help by bringing desserts, veggie/fruit trays and cheese and crackers for the reception. We have designed a page on the internet to organize who will be bringing what.

Here is what we need:

One strong and agile person on Friday morning 3/10 to come help hang a banner in the sanctuary and prepare the memorial displays that will be available for viewing during the reception.

Four and six people to serve as ushers for the memorial service itself.

If you are able to help in either of these two ways, please contact Rev. Melissa for more information.

In addition, we will also need:

10-12 people to bring a dozen cookies or a dozen brownies (Gordon loved brownies!)

10-12 people to bring a vegetable tray

10-12 people to bring a fruit tray or fruit salad

10-12 people to bring crackers and cheese

To sign up, please visit:  http://www.takethemameal.com/meals.php?t=SGOB7798

There are other jobs as well if cooking isn’t something you’d like to do. We also need people to set up and clean up the hall, make coffee and assist with parking. We also need someone to shop for cups, plates, napkins and beverages (you will be reimbursed). If you are interested in helping in these other ways please contact us.

If you have any questions please feel free to message or call us; Colleen Thoele or Swanny Voneida.

Thank you!!


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Celtic Clan of Kent Concert.

Come to a family friendly Concert of traditional and contemporary Irish folk music to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

Saturday, 17 March, 7 pm

Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent

Visit us at Facebook to hear some tunes. Tickets at the door: $7 Adults, children under 12 free. This is a fun fundraiser for the church.  Contact for information: Trish McLoughlin.


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes to the church office, [email protected]     Hope to hear from you soon!

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March Sermon Topics

During the month of March, we hope you’ll join us as we explore expressions of gratitude.

March 4, 2012    The Way Gratitude Wears
Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Dani Beale – Have you ever considered the way gratitude wears? I mean, the way you wear gratitude in your heart and mind and body and spirit. I also mean the way gratitude wears a way to generosity. This morning we will celebrate the manygifts bestowed by the practice of gratitude.

March 11, 2012    What It Takes to Speak Out
On March 11th, the Youth Group takes over. This service will be about how our Unitarian Universalist principles and background affect us on our journey into adulthood. The service features music by and stories from the youth.

March 18, 2012  This Particular Call
Led by The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Bonnie Harper – Every year our association of congregations has a General Assembly in June. This year our gathering will not be business as usual. This year we will have a Justice General Assembly with a very particular call. Whether you think you might have any interest in attending or not, I hope you will join us to consider the call our association is being invited to respond to in Phoenix and all across our country. David Petras of the Phoenix Witness Project will be with us to receive our special collection which will be used to help fund scholarships to Justice GA. (Given the timing of the scholarship distribution, the second sermon I planned to deliver on gratitude will be postponed until April.)

March 25, 2012   From Tolerance to Humility
Led by The Rev. Tim Temerson and Worship Associate Kristina Spaude – As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm tolerance as an important religious value. But is it enough simply to tolerate difference and diversity or can we move to a deeper, more authentic place of acceptance and celebration? Today we will explore the beauty and the challenge of difference and consider the role of another religious value – humility – in helping us to move beyond tolerance.

The Rev. Tim Temerson is the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron. He and I will be participating in the time honored tradition of a pulpit swap this morning. With this swap, he and I are looking forward to strengthening the ties between our congregations.

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 22, 2012

February 26th Music Sunday:   Courageous Dissent

Led by: The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer along with Worship Associate Kathy Kerns Have you ever found yourself tongue tied when you wanted to speak out in opposition? Have you ever been so opposed to an action that you just felt you had to do something? Today we will hear stories and songs about the courage it takes to take a stand.


Special Collection for Sunday, February 26th :  Hartville Migrant Ministries

The Hartville Ohio agricultural area has a seasonal influx of migrants who have been served by the Hartville Migrant Ministries for over a decade.  375 migrants and their families are provided with medical care, adult and children’s education, outreach, transportation, and a store where they can buy essentials.  Our UU Association has taken on a four year study action of “Immigration as Moral Issue” as well as conducting a special “Justice General Assembly” this coming June in Phoenix (where we will address Arizona’s anti-immigrant laws and attitudes).  It seems only fitting that we support our local migrant workers and their families at this time.


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented  by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


MARK THE DATE:  Sunday, February 26th at 3 P.M. in the Sanctuary.  The Library Speaker’s Forum will host Dr. Daniel Roland from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Roland was a Methodist Minister in Kansas. His current research involves information and religion. He speaks about it as follows:   “The lack of information causes uncertainty. Uncertainly causes fear. Fear causes religion. Creating information and the better means to access information reduces uncertainty. The reduction of uncertainty leads to a reduction in fear. A reduction in fear leads to a reduction in religion and the potential increase in spirituality, which is not based on fear but rather on the informed awareness of the vast richness of life. So my research focuses on the use of information to generate or alleviate fear.”

The Library Committee is excited about Dr. Roland’s presentation and its potential for a lively Q&A session with discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


Stewardship Canvasser Team Training sessions will be offer on Sunday, Feb. 26th @ 12:30 pm in Eldredge Annex and again on Wednesday, Feb. 29th @ 7:30 pm in Fessenden Hall.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes to the church office, [email protected].  Hope to hear from you soon!


What are you passionate about?

Do you have an idea for a Sunday service?  The Sunday Program Committee is currently soliciting proposals for Sunday services in the Spring and Summer.  You can find a proposal form on our web site at:  //kentuu.org/docs/spc/sunday-proposal-e-form.pdf.  You can also contact Lois Weir  to discuss your idea and get some assistance with formulating it into a service.  You have something to say.  Share it with your church community!


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


The Social Justice Committee will hold its monthly meeting on Sunday, March 4th  in the Eldredge Annex immediately following second service. We are currently working on issues like fracking and various issues of economic justice. All are invited to attend as we embark on the important work of striving to make a difference. We hope that you will consider joining us in this journey to walk our faith and put words into action. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Sally Burnell, Social Justice chairman.

With great sadness we announce the passing of a former member of our Church, Beth Sholtis.  Recently Beth was living in Fresno, CA and has been teaching a Women’s Studies course at a local community college.  Beth’s family will be conducting a funeral in Beth’s hometown of Ashtabula, OH — we will share details as they become available.

Mac Goekler


KC Pallone will be available during the coffee hour and after 2nd service in founders lounge on March 4 to answer questions about the new CUUPS group. Please see her with any questions or comments. She will have a sign-up sheet available for those that are interested in learning more about or joining the group. You do not have to be Pagan to join the group and all are welcome. KC will be speaking at the CUUPS potluck dinner on March 9 in Fessenden Hall at 6:30 and more detailed information will be presented at that time. Following the dinner there will be a short Full Moon ritual for those that are interested in joining. Thank you.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Thank You!

Dear UU Church of Kent Congregation – We want to let you know how much we appreciate your support of our project!  At this time we have reached our goal and we could not have done it without you.

Thank you! Project Vietnam

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Weekly e-nUUs – Febraury 15, 2012

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer will be out of town from Thursday, 2/16 through Sunday 2/19 presenting at the Unitarian Universalist Allies for Racial Equity Conference in Fort Worth, TX.  She will not be checking email regularly while she is away, but will be available by cell phone if an urgent concern arises.


Spiritual Cinema – Wed., Feb. 15 at 7:30 pm.

Our movie will be “The Invention of Lying” starring Ricky Jervais.  This is a R rated film, very funny but for adults and teens.  As always, a discussion of ideas presented in the film will follow the show.


The Cuyahoga River Concert Series continues this Saturday, Feb. 18th with a wonderful folk musician, Anne Hills.   Tom Paxton writes,  “Anne Hills is such an exquisite singer that it’s understandable that people might be swept up in the pure beauty of her voice and thereby overlook her writing. That would be a mistake. For me, Anne’s writing is as direct, melodic and deep as any work being done today. She is quite simply one of my absolute favorite songwriters”   Tickets may be purchased at the door.


February 19th Music Sunday:   The Courage to Sing

Led by: Hal Walker – On this annual music Sunday, we welcome the West Shore UU Church choir into our sanctuary for a very special misic centered service.  Through stories and songs, we will explore the subject of courage.


This Sunday, February 19, there will be no Social Justice Social Hour during second service.  We will resume on February 26.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

And we also need some special “bakers”–those of you who are willing to make just five pledge calls to UU friends and neighbors during the March campaign.

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes and/or your name as a canvasser to Sandy Eaglen  or Marion Yeagler.   Hope to hear from you soon!


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented  by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


MARK THE DATE:  Sunday, February 26th at 3 P.M. in the Sanctuary.  The Library Speaker’s Forum will host Dr. Daniel Roland from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. Before beginning his academic career, Dr. Roland was a Methodist Minister in Kansas. His current research involves information and religion. He speaks about it as follows:   “The lack of information causes uncertainty. Uncertainly causes fear. Fear causes religion. Creating information and the better means to access information reduces uncertainty. The reduction of uncertainty leads to a reduction in fear. A reduction in fear leads to a reduction in religion and the potential increase in spirituality, which is not based on fear but rather on the informed awareness of the vast richness of life. So my research focuses on the use of information to generate or alleviate fear.”

The Library Committee is excited about Dr. Roland’s presentation and its potential for a lively Q&A session with discussion.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


What are you passionate about?

Do you have an idea for a Sunday service?  The Sunday Program Committee is currently soliciting proposals for Sunday services in the Spring and Summer.  You can find a proposal form on our web site at:  //kentuu.org/docs/spc/sunday-proposal-e-form.pdf.  You can also contact Lois Weir to discuss your idea and get some assistance with formulating it into a service.  You have something to say.  Share it with your church community!


The middle school youth have been learning about justice this year as a part of their curriculum “Heeding the Call: Qualities of a Justicemaker.”  Using the democratic process—and with concern for the interdependent web of existence—they have chosen a social responsibility project for the rest of the year.

Inspired by a video by rapper Jay Z, they have decided to raise money and awareness for the human right to water.  They are planning to make items out of duct tape and sell them…the proceeds going to help the global water crisis.

What we need from you: 

  • If you have duct tape you would like to donate (the more colorful, the better!) please contact Karen Lapidus, or drop it off in the Middle School classroom.  (1st room to your right, upstairs classroom level)
  • Watch for the duct tape and other fundraisers to help support this noble cause!

Thank you!
The Middle School Class and Teachers


Last call for Acme receipts dated by 2-11-12!!! If you still have any receipts, please drop them off in the Annex, back entry and place in the Fundraising mailbox by no later than Sunday, Feb. 26. This is the absolute deadline. Thanks! Elaine Bowen

A special thank you . . . to the generous and anonymous donor of Mustard Seed Market brown paper grocery bags for Kent Social Services. Your regular donations are greatly appreciated by the food pantry so clients can take their groceries home. Thank you so very much . . . you are making a valuable contribution. If you let me know who you are, there’s a big hug waiting. If you prefer to remain anonymous, I send a virtual hug, my brown bag angel. ~ Elaine ~


Art in the Sanctuary

We want to thank local artist, Wally Unsold, for providing the art for the month of February.

John Kluth


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4 in Fessenden Hall. Please contact K.C. with any questions.  Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 13, at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  Thank you, Betty for helping us out this winter with an accessible place to meet.  Those attending should bring a snack to share.

We have been reading fairly serious/heavy novels in recent months.  We decided on a fun, light book for March. We will be reading Home to Woefield by Susan Juby. Prudence Burns, a well-intentioned New Yorker full of back-to-the-land ideals, just inherited Woefield Farm–thirty acres of scrubland, dilapidated buildings, and one half-sheared sheep. But the bank is about to foreclose, so Prudence must turn things around fast and thus our story.

In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


Sheetz Coupons Fundraiser

Purchase your coupon books at coffee hour for Sheetz.  The books cost $10 and contains coupons worth at least $25.  The church earns 40%.

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Weekly e-nUUs – February 8, 2012

Robert Wood Memorial Service

A memorial service in celebration of the life of Robert Wood will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kent at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 11.  This memorial will incorporate the plans that were being made by the community involved with Kent Winter Market.  A reception, including a display of Mr. Wood’s artwork, will immediately follow the service. In addition, calling hours will be held this Friday, February 10th at 10:00 am followed by a funeral at 11:00 am at Shorts Spicer Crislip Funeral Homes in Streetsboro.  After the funeral we will process to Standing Rock Cemetery for a graveside service.

We could use volunteers to bake cookies or other treats for Robert’s memorial reception.  In order for us to plan appropriately, if you are willing to bring something, please notify Rev. Melissa.   Thank you.


ACME Community Cash Back – We’re Nearing the End!

The last date for ACME receipts is Saturday, February 11. Please bring all your saved receipts in by Sunday, Feb. 12. Drop off is in the Acme ad covered box on the Acme Bucks table in Fessenden Hall between services or mail your receipts to the church office: UU Church of Kent  228 Gougler Ave  Kent, OH 44240. This is the easiest fundraiser ever and THANK YOU to all who have participated. Stay tuned for what our 5% cash back is.


Making Room

Those of you who regularly attend our second service on Sundays have surely noticed that our sanctuary is often quite full of people.  This makes for wonderful singing and a vibrant, lively feeling in our sanctuary.  It also makes for feeling a little crowded at times.  If you regularly attend the second service but have a flexible schedule on Sunday mornings, we’d like to let you know that there is usually more elbow room available during our first service.  Of course, you remain warmly welcome to come to church whenever you are able.  We are becoming experts at finding ways to make more room!


February 12th Sunday Services:   Darwin’s Interconnected Web
Cal Frye with Worship Associate Joel Slater – The naturalist and author Charles Darwin comes to visit our pulpit and relate a bit of his story, religious views, and thoughts on slavery. This service, in honor of Charles Darwin, is given as part of a global celebration of Darwin Day. Cal Frye was a member of our congregation before he and his family relocated to Oberlin, OH. He is now a member of the Oberlin Unitarian Universalist Fellowship where he is a Commissioned Lay Leader candidate.


 New or not, do you know your niche?

Come learn more about the various ways to get involved and find your way at UUCK!

Join us on February 12th for a coffee chat with your

trustee for fellowship (Julie Lineburgh)  and trustee for programming (Cheryl Spoehr).

There will be a fun presentation for ways to get involved and

a Q and A session for all your burning questions.

All are welcome!  We hope to see you there!


Are you interested in food? With so many different claims about what food is good (for you, for the planet, for farmers, etc), it can be hard to know what to eat.  Here is a chance to investigate and discuss food sustainability issues!  This 6 week course, beginning Feb. 12, called “Menu For the Future” is part of a regional pilot effort through Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Year of Food.  All are welcome to participate by contacting Andrew Rome.  The sessions last from 11am-12:15pm at the Kent UU Annex. Childcare is available.  A coursebook will need to be purchased or borrowed and more information about the course is available at www.nwei.org.


Training For New Website – Sunday, Feb. 12

Our new website runs a powerful but simple technology called “WordPress” designed to empower leaders of the church to easily update the website themselves.  It is about as easy to use as email and includes the ability for each committee to have their own “blog” within the site. This Sunday, Feb. 12 Dan Flippo from the web team will provide training on how to post and update information on the website after second service in the Annex. All board and committee leaders are invited to attend.  We are hoping to train as many people as possible over the next month so that our website can serve as a key communication tool for the congregation.  We have identified a number of people to maintain different pages on the website and will begin sending out usernames and passwords shortly via email.

The web team will be offering additional dates and times for the training. However, if you are unable to attend or if you would like to learn more about WordPress, you can also visit the WordPress Online Tutorial.  This tutorial is also includes details on how someone can create their own blog using WordPress but most of the information also applies to our site.

Please contact Dan Flippo or Jen May  if you have any questions about the website or the training.


“There’s Always Room for Pie!”

Now, honestly, who doesn’t love a good piece of pie?  Cake is great, but isn’t pie even better?  We’re smiling in anticipation as we appeal to your sweet tooth to get involved in our pie-themed 2012 Kent UU stewardship campaign.  Of course we’ll soon be asking for your pledges, too, but our first request is for your favorite pie recipes–apple, custard, coconut cream, pecan–we want them all!

And we also need some special “bakers”–those of you who are willing to make just five pledge calls to UU friends and neighbors during the March campaign.

Please join us as we start getting our ingredients together–send pie recipes and/or your name as a canvasser to Sandy Eaglen  or Marion Yeagler.  Hope to hear from you soon!


Children’s Choir Resuming Rehearsals
The Children’s Choir, under the direction of Becky Haines, rehearses from 10:40 until 11:10 am in the sanctuary near the piano.  All children age 3 and older are invited to participate.  (Children age 3-5 must be accompanied by a parent or other designated adult.)  Now is a great time for new children to join in the fun and fellowship.  They will be singing at the Music Sunday worship service on February 19th.


“Soup”er Bowl Results!

Thank you for $170.75, $80 in Acme gift cards, 52 cans of soup/stew/chili/ravioli and a large box of other groceries for Kent Social Services food programs – hot meals and food pantry.

The winner of the pot of soup donated by Creative Cuisine is Tanya Kahl. Congratulations, Tanya!   Stay tuned for “Soup”er Bowl VII on Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013!

In gratitude for a generous community,

Elaine Yehle Bowen


Sheetz Coupons Fundraiser

Purchase your coupon books at coffee hour for Sheetz.  The books cost $10 and contains coupons worth at least $25.  The church earns 40%.


Chili Cook Off Fundraiser

Thank you to all the people who cooked and ate at the Chili Cook Off.  We made $260! Look for more in the newsletter!



Join us in Fessenden Hall during second service each week for informal discussions about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.

These are free-wheeling explorations of ideas about both substance and process. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and anything else.

My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

Caroline Arnold


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 14 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick.  This month we are reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. In 1665, a young man from Martha’s Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, the author has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure. In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper .


Puppet Show:  Peer Gynt    Sunday, Feb. 26  at 12:30 pm In the Sanctuary

Adapted from the Play by Ibsen with music by Edvard Grieg and presented by Heidrun Hultgren.  All donations to benefit the UU Church of Kent.


Holiday Share Fundraiser

Thanks to everyone who donated and shopped for Holiday Share!  We made just under $600!


The “Library Speaker’s Forum” will host Dr. Dan Roland from the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, on Sunday afternoon, February 26th  at 3:00 P.M. in the Sanctuary. Dr Roland’s  topic will be “Communication and the Fear Factor”. Dr. Roland is known for his engaging and thought-provoking lectures; don’t miss this special opportunity! Watch for more information. This event is free and open to the public as well as to the congregation.

The Library is soliciting volunteers to serve on a committee that will sponsor a bi-annual Chapbook that aims to capture special memories of church history from its current members.  Caroline Arnold will serve as Chair of this committee.  If you are interested in participating, please contatct Caroline  or Ann Waters, or any member of the Library committee.

Ann Waters, Library Publicity


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4. Please contact K.C. with any questions . Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


Hi Friends!

I am sending a shout out request for seeds for this years garden and the accompanying greenhouse I hope to build here in Mongolia.  The produce from these ventures will be used for feeding the kids residing in the dorm (92 at last count this year), giving them more veggies and vitamins!  (I of course also love fresh veggies and have my own tomatoes and salad fixings growing in my apartment windows year round!)

Last year the garden was not highly successful, though many students and dorm workers were involved in helping to water and tend to it!  It was a learning experience for us all and made me aware of the need for a greenhouse to cultivate warm weather crops to harvest!

Seeds are difficult to come by here and are limited.  Therefore, I am requesting a helping hand from you back at home.  Seed packets can be mailed in envelopes, making them relatively inexpensive to send out.

Any flower and veggie seeds would be much appreciated, even those saved from your own gardening would be awesome!

There are some particular seeds I’d love to have, and I’ve listed them below:

foxglove, lavender, forget me nots, cosmos, wildflowers, asters, zinnas

Veggies: onions, squash (every variety), beets, carrots, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, cabbage,

cauliflower, broccoli, turnip

please send to:

Joanne Nussbaum, PCV

1st 12 Year Secondary School

Arvaikheer, Uuvrkhangai, Mongolia

Via China

You can follow my adventures on Facebook or my blog mongolimonologues.blogspot.com



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Weekly e-nUUs – February 1st, 2012

The Cuyahoga River Concert Series presents the

Kent Community Sing (a-long)

Come join the fun tonight, February 1st from 7:00- 8:30 pm in the Sanctuary.

Did you know that the UU Church of Kent has the best acoustical space for group singing in Kent?  Yes, it’s true.  Join Hal Walker and WKSU’s Matt Watroba in a warm evening of singing to bring in the new year. All are welcome!  7-8:30 pm


February 5, 2012  Sunday Services:  The Courage to Love

The Rev. Melissa Carvill-Ziemer and Worship Associate Elaine Bowen – Loving is the only way to a broken heart.  And being willing to risk a broken heart is the only way to love.  Not just for romantics, this service will celebrate the courage it takes simply to love.


New UU class scheduled
Whether you are new to the UU Church of Kent or you have been here awhile, you are encouraged to attend the class that will be heldon Sunday, February 5 from 9 to 11 am.  We will meet at the Annex, the yellow house next to the church.

If you are contemplating membership with us, the information you receive in this class may answer many of your questions.  We share information about the history of Unitarian Universalism in general, and the UU Church of Kent in particular.

All are welcome and you may drop in if you like, but if you know that you are attending or if you have any questions, please contact Claudia Miller or Marion Yeagler.


Feb. 5: The UUCK “Soup”er Bowl!

Please bring your cans of hearty soup/chili/stew/ravioli to our 6th annual “Soup”er Bowl to benefit the Kent Social Services food programs. The empty soup pot is also ready to be filled with your spare coin & cash. A donation earns you entry into a raffle for a free pot of homemade soup of your choice by Creative Cuisine. This is a win-win game!

Look for the football themed table in Fessenden Hall before, between and after services on Sunday, Feb. 5 – the day of Super Bowl 46. Thank you in advance for your generosity and for helping your neighbors in need ~ this is our faith in action.

Questions? Contact Elaine Bowen.



Join us in Fessenden Hall during second service each week for informal discussions about how we as churches, communities and social entities deal with issues of common justice and the common good.

These are free-wheeling explorations of ideas about both substance and process. We aren’t limited to certain topics, nor excused from controversial ones. We tackle timely and difficult issues –  poverty, fracking, drone killings, campaign practices, WikiLeaks, abortion, gun control, sexual abuse, nuclear energy & weapons, immigration and anything else.

My hope is that these discussions may help us get to know one another and our priorities, generate conviviality and solidarity within the church, and create a little more focus and direction on the moral, political, economic and environmental parameters of the  issues of justice and injustice we face as a church, and as citizens of a world community.

Caroline Arnold


ACME Community Cash Back – We’re Nearing the End!

The last date for ACME receipts is Saturday, February 11. Please bring all your saved receipts in by Sunday, Feb. 12. Drop off is in the Acme ad covered box on the Acme Bucks table in Fessenden Hall between services or mail your receipts to the church office: UU Church of Kent  228 Gougler Ave  Kent, OH 44240. This is the easiest fundraiser ever and THANK YOU to all who have participated. Stay tuned for what our 5% cash back is.


New or not, do you know your niche?

Come learn more about the various ways to get involved and find your way at UUCK!

Join us on February 12th for a coffee chat with your trustee for fellowship (Julie Lineburgh)  and trustee for programming (Cheryl Spoehr).

There will be a fun presentation for ways to get involved and a Q and A session for all your burning questions.

 All are welcome!  We hope to see you there!


Children’s Choir Resuming Rehearsals

The Children’s Choir, under the direction of Becky Haines, rehearses from 10:40 until 11:10 am in the sanctuary near the piano.  All children age 3 and older are invited to participate.  (Children age 3-5 must be accompanied by a parent or other designated adult.)  Now is a great time for new children to join in the fun and fellowship.  They will be singing at the Music Sunday worship service on February 19th.


Are you interested in food? With so many different claims about what food is good (for you, for the planet, for farmers, etc), it can be hard to know what to eat.  Here is a chance to investigate and discuss food sustainability issues!  This 6 week course, beginning Feb. 12, called “Menu For the Future” is part of a regional pilot effort through Sustainable Cleveland 2019: Year of Food.  All are welcome to participate by contacting Andrew Rome.  The sessions last from 11am-12:15pm at the Kent UU Annex. Childcare is available.  A coursebook will need to be purchased or borrowed and more information about the course is available at www.nwei.org.


The Book Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 14 at 7 pm in the home of Betty Kendrick. This month we are reading Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. In 1665, a young man from Martha’s Vineyard became the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College. Upon this slender factual scaffold, the author has created a luminous tale of love and faith, magic and adventure. In April we will be reading the book Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghesse. If you have any questions you may contact Bonnie Harper.


A new Pagan group will be starting up this March, lead by K.C. Pallone. She is a Pagan Priestess and would like to begin a new CUUPS group here at the UU Church of Kent. Her focus is on Earth centered and family friendly rituals. Being Pagan is not a necessity and this group is open to everyone. K.C. will have question/answer sessions during both services and during the coffee hour on March 4 in the Founders Lounge. Please contact K.C. with any questions. Look for information sheets during the next few weeks in Founders Lounge.


Hi Friends!

I am sending a shout out request for seeds for this years garden and the accompanying greenhouse I hope to build here in Mongolia.  The produce from these ventures will be used for feeding the kids residing in the dorm (92 at last count this year), giving them more veggies and vitamins!  (I of course also love fresh veggies and have my own tomatoes and salad fixings growing in my apartment windows year round!)

Last year the garden was not highly successful, though many students and dorm workers were involved in helping to water and tend to it!  It was a learning experience for us all and made me aware of the need for a greenhouse to cultivate warm weather crops to harvest!

Seeds are difficult to come by here and are limited.  Therefore, I am requesting a helping hand from you back at home.  Seed packets can be mailed in envelopes, making them relatively inexpensive to send out.

Any flower and veggie seeds would be much appreciated, even those saved from your own gardening would be awesome!

There are some particular seeds I’d love to have, and I’ve listed them below:

foxglove, lavender, forget me nots, cosmos, wildflowers, asters, zinnas

Veggies: onions, squash (every variety), beets, carrots, cucumbers, beans, eggplant, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip

please send to:

Joanne Nussbaum, PCV

1st 12 Year Secondary School

Arvaikheer, Uuvrkhangai, Mongolia

Via China

You can follow my adventures on Facebook or my blog http://mongoliamonologues.blogspot.com/.



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