Sunday, September 8, 2024 Water Dance

One service at 10:00 AM in Hobbs Hall
(Followed by a Fall Harvest potluck at 11:15 AM)

Join us as we welcome our new Minister, Rev. Kristina Church at this multi-platform ingathering service offered both in-person and on Zoom.

The dance of water is essential to our lives. Mists and storms move through and raindrops reveal new light. Like the water, our congregation continues to move forward and transform.  At our annual ingathering and water communion, we will welcome our new minister and begin our dance together. Please bring a small amount of water with you for this service. 

CLICK HERE to view, print, or download the Order of Service.

Join us for a Fall Harvest Potluck on September 8 after our Ingathering Service (11:15am)!
Let’s Welcome Rev. Kristina with what we do best — feed each other!

Please fill out the signup — it will help us see what others are bringing so we make sure we have a nice variety of dishes for all diets. (Dishes made from a home garden are especially welcome!)

We also need a few volunteers to help set up and clean up.

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